Radiotherapy Prep

  • 6 replies
  • 157 subscribers

Hi all,

Just wondering what size the water bottle is you need to drink before the treatment time for radiotherapy, my partner wants to practice getting the timing right as worried about not being able to hold a large amount for 30mins. 



  • Hello Jane ( 

    It's 2 years since my Radiotherapy and at Oldham we were one of the exceptions - it was empty bowel - empty bladder - they called your name and the question was "have you been?". We even got 3 free tattoos at the planning scan - now some modern RT machines use lasers - so much has changed!!

    I would check at the planning scan - I am sure they will tell you so good luck with that.

    They don't always give you advice about eating and drinking but he needs to stay away from anything that can give him wind - beans, pulses, green leaf vegetables, fizzy drinks, caffeine and alcohol etc during his radiotherapy fractions.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi

    You don't necessarily need to hold large amounts you need to know how much will give you a full bladder. I used to arrive at the hospital and drink just over 300mls of green tea and that did the trick and I was never turned away from treatment because of bowel or bladder issues.

    My routine was to get up have a wee and then drink nothing until I was in the hospital. Then drink my green tea and 45 minutes later I was good to go. I think having an empty stomach helped as the fluid went straight through to my bladder.

    Obviously you will need to follow the advice of your radiotherapy team but its important to get into a routine you can follow every day, I was also anxious about exactly the same thing but in the end the only issues I had were when my treatment was delayed and once or twice I did have to wee and start again but that was not my fault !


  • Hi  just wondering if you have been given any instructions for your planning session next week about what to drink and when?  If not, I am sure they will provide all the info then.  Tell your OH not to worry about it, I am sure he will cope.  David

  • Hi DJN,

    As the other replies mention, if this hasn't already been covered in any planning scan instructions it should be when he goes to that appointment.  

    My personal experience is that the amount can vary depending on what the scan shows coupled with what build you are.  I had to drink 450ml before each session (slightly built) whereas larger built guys at the same treatment sessions were on 600 to 800ml. 

    It's important that he remains well hydrated so any fluid drunk does end up filling the bladder rather than being absorbed in the body.  I practised drinking 2 to 3 litres of water a day in addition to any other drinks (not alcoholic mores the pity lol) for 3 or 4 weeks beforehand which helped me.

    Best Wishes


  • Thanks everyone.

    The information in the post was rather vague and no mention of diet, just mentioned to turn up at the planning scan without food or drink for 2 hours.

    Hopefully everything will make sense after tomorrow's appointment and his 5 sessions on the Pace Nodes trial starts in 2 weeks time

  •   , if that is what the info requires then go with it.  Just don’t eat anything tonight or tomorrow that is likely to produce gas!  Avoid Greens, sprouts, onions, beans etc.  He will be fine.  David