Triple therapy

  • 4 replies
  • 154 subscribers

Hi everyone 

sorry it’s me again I feel like I’m constantly asking questions but it does help us so much 

my brother has had a call today of the cancer nurse as my brother was due to start Alputamide Monday just gone but after reading his oncologists letter she mentioned Triple therapy was given to my brother this him and his partner dispute that it was never mentioned only Alputamide and chemo so that’s on hold now . After speaking to the nurse today she has said that his oncologist is happy for him to go on Triple therapy but she needs to speak about the side effects etc as they can be harsh . My brother feels quite let down as tripel therapy definately wasn’t discussed with him and now he’s panicking because the nurse has said triple therapy the side effects can be bad . Has anyone any advise as to the benefits of Triple therapy and is it better than him just going on the Alputamide? Any advise would be so appreciated . My brother is of to a support group tonight I’m hoping this will help him as he’s struggling so much with making his mind up over his treatment. 
thank you again for listening to my ramblings but I’m trying to help him as much as I can


  • Hello  . There are 2 articles in my library on Triplet Therapy. The first one gives the history of the different trials leading up to the development of the Triplet Therapy. The second one answers some of the questions posed in the first article as to timing.

    We have some contributors who have been, or are currently on Triplet Therapy and hopefully they will be along with their experience. All therapies come with side effects but chemotherapy is usually the one most people fear the most. My husband was dreading it but at the end of his 6 cycles he said it was not as bad as expected, and in fact he will be having to start it again soon - he is now 81. Younger men seem to cope better particularly if they are fit. I hope that his meeting this evening helps your brother.

  • Hi Alwayshope

    Thank you so much for replying to me it really does help and you are so informative which gives us as a family so much help . My brother is just so worried that he picks the wrong treatment he feels like his oncologist just has t explained everything to him and feels so let down and all this is making him so anxious which is not helping as he’s doing so well on his HT just getting in with it and he’s keeping g fit eating well so physically he’s doing great but this choosing of his treatment is really not helping . Thank you so much for all your help it’s so appreciated . 


  • Hi Bg65, my husband has had the triplet therapy and has manged ok, yes he gets hot flushes and fatigue but is still working at home as he has always done, maybe a bit slower, he is still taking the darolutamide which he has tolerated really well, the chemo was not as bad as we expected.

    Please read his journey by clicking on my name.


  • Hi Sheena 

    thank you so much this has really helped ive just read this to my brother and it made him feel so much better really appreciate you taking the time to reply I don’t know how I would have coped without this forum and how kind everyone is so thank you
