Pain after radiotherapy

  • 4 replies
  • 156 subscribers

Hi  I’ve just finished radiotherapy,a week ago,Ive never been in so much pain when wanting a wee ,which is very often,the burning is crazy making me do both when going to the toilet ,5/6 times in thWearynight and all day ,is this common and when does it settle down WearyWeary

  • I, too, finished radiotherapy about a week ago. 

    There have been problems since, but nothing quite like yours. When I was reading up about it what I had to "look forward to" I found this:

    You want to look at the section marked Bladder Effects.

    Generally these symptoms subside 2-4 weeks after therapy I am told.

    In your own case there could also be an infection, so you need to speak to the hospital team or your GP tomorrow in case you need antibiotics.

    Just to let you know that you are not on your own, my own symptoms, starting in the 2 weeks before the therapy finished Telford around print hourly all night and, at first, not being able to successfully fully empty my bladder..

    I am still pottering all the time, but the flow has much improved.

    I hope that your problem has clear up quickly, but I would real out seek medical advice tomorrow. 

    Best wishes,


    Changed, but not diminished.
  • Thanks a lot mate I will take all this information in 

  • Hi  , I agree with Steve, you shouldn’t be in pain after RT, so definitely talk to your team asap.  Good luck.  David

  • Hello  

    Just to confirm I agree with Steve and David - whilst there are a number of side/after effects from Radiotherapy - pain when passing water isn't one of them - it's late Sunday night now - if it's really worrying you call 111 or visit A & E. If not it's a call first thing in the morning to your radiology team of GP.

    Please do let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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