PSA levels

  • 3 replies
  • 158 subscribers

Original PSA 6.1

6 Months on hormone therapy then four weeks of radiotherapy and my second injection of triptorelin, 5 weeks after radiotherapy I have had my first PSA results 5.

  1. Is that okay? My oncologist says "it's fine" and that's it.
  • Hi Safeways, though we would all like our PSA to fall quickly, the important thing is it is falling, and as Triptorelin often causes a surge in hormone levels, and a more gradual fall, you may be coming off a higher PSA than your original 6.1, please let us know your next results, best wishes.


  • Hello  

    I would be agreeing with  and your oncologist. The PSA is going down, you are on Hormone Therapy and have had Radiotherapy. You are having PSA checks at regular intervals so you are being "looked after".

    After Radiotherapy you don't get to your lowest or nadir PSA reading until 18 months after RT has been completed. The general rule of thumb is then no further action is required unless you have a rise of 2 whole points above your nadir or 3 consecutive rises in a row.

    I hope this helps to put you mind at ease.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • My next PSA test is in 3 months time.

    I have had a lot of support from Maggies and Macmillian nurses whom have stopped me from getting really depressed over the effects HT have had on me, but I am improving, my GP after checking my records has sent blood for tests, he was supprised  after looking at my records that the only blood tests I have had since I started on this journey have been the first PSA and the second one five weeks after RT finished.

    Cost cutting here in the Highlands seems to be a continuos process.