Rising PSA number

  • 5 replies
  • 159 subscribers

Hello friends, I'm looking for some advice -  I have a Gleason 7 (3+4) and a PSA which has gone up from 4.3 to 5.1 in the past three months. I've had discussions about surgery and radiology options (I'm more opted towards radiology), would now be a good time to press go on treatment or what for another PSA test in three months time? It seems pretty obviously to me the direction my cancer is taking. Really appreciate your thoughts... Thanks!

  • Hi PM

    It's not a massive increase, u could well give it a bit more time.

    Worth looking at MRI report to see size and location of tumour cos that can tell u a lot about whether to start treatment.

    Just to give u an example my PSA took 4 years to go from about 4 to 13.


  • Hello  

    I have a different approach than  above, but remember neither of us are medically trained and it's personal opinion.

    * You have cancer Gleason 7. (it's not going away - fact). You have a low PSA but it's increasing.

    * You will require intervention at some point, the younger that you are the better the recovery.

    * At this moment the cancer is still contained within the Prostate I assume - you don't want it growing and going "walkabout."

    Perhaps I am "old school" but as a supermarket slogan says "when it's gone it's gone!!"

    Gool luck making your choice.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • I'm a fellow sufferer. I like the sound of Millibob's advice. I don't see that it's going to get any better if you wait. I'm not an expert either, but I'd tend to listen to your consultants advice. I had a similar profile and I delayed my op a few months, and I regret that now because the tumour became bigger. I also think it's worth asking for the MRI report, because it will tell you the size of your prostate and the tumour. It might be worth asking for a second opinion from a private consultant, it will cost about £250 I guess, but it will probably give good reassurance.

  • Hello  

    Thank you for your post. One reason for my thinking was that I was diagnosed as a Gleason 7 on biopsy. 10 months later the "chips" from my TURP operation regraded me to a Gleason 9!! (full journey available by clicking on my name or avatar).

    I just like to think the little bas**rds have been killed off as soon as possibe.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi PM -

    It's quite difficult to comment meaningfully with the very limited information that you have provided.  For example your age, prostate size, and general health are significant factors. 

    The PSA increase of almost 20% in only 3 months understandably raises concerns, but in itself is not necessarily sufficient to trigger intervention.  Have alternative causes (eg prostatitis) of this increase already been ruled out?  

    You said that you've had discussions about treatment options, and indicate that waiting for another PSA test in 3 months is also an option.  Has your consultant / medical team already indicated which may be the best course of action ?  Is surgery (radical prostatectomy) not also a valid option ?

    BTW, I easily relate to your situation, as I myself have Gleason 3+4, a similar-ish PSA level of 4.0, and have some similarity in terms of the options available to me at this time.

    (Disclosure: I'm not a qualified medical professional - just an ordinary guy on an unwelcome learning curve)