Help getting started pls

  • 11 replies
  • 162 subscribers

I've been tearing my hair out since my partner was diagnosed on 25th Nov, he saw the surgeon on 5th Dec but really doesn't want that path. Been told oncologist appt not until Feb at the earliest, bone scans done weds. I complained to Pals on Tues by phone and followed up with an email on Fri. Left messages with the urology cancer nurse specialist on Fri, the urology cancer support worker has been very helpful but only works Mon to Weds, due to cutbacks and off all next week. He has a GP appt on Tues for concerns about his memory issues, my plan is to hijack that appt to get him started on some sort of HT been seeing posts with bicalutamide mentioned so going to ask for that as he's already on finasteride. I'm so worried, he has intraductal carcinoma showing and I'm very concerned if it hasn't already it will be on the move into his body within another 2 months if we sit back and just wait for the appt. Do we have the rights to be put onto bicalutamide right now, to be within the 62 days of starting treatment since his GP referral.

If there's anything that we need to ensure we mention at the GP appt on Tues would be very much appreciated.

Thanks everyone.


  • Hi Jane and welcome 

    I'm not a HT expert, there are plenty on here who are, but looking at his stats it does look like he needs to start on HT straight  away to stop any further spread until treatment starts especially as Xmas will slow everything down.

    I'm saying that based on the T3 and the specialist saying that the tumour looks like may be breaking through the gland edge.

    Not sure if the GP can prescribe it or if a specialist has to but I would be pushing... someone.

    One good thing, stats are lowish 

    Good luck


  • Hi Jane, unless your GP has been invited by  urology/oncology onto a shared agreement of care, and some GPs refuse,  and your specialist doctor has to prescribe it first for use as a cancer treatment, your GP is responsible for issuing prescriptions. I hope this explains it.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Jane I was diagnosed march 18th 24 treatment didn't start until last week of June, biopsy alone took 8 weeks for results .crazy stuff but apparently slow growing cancer ?


  • Hi  , I am slightly confused that your OH was sent to see a surgeon if the tumour has broken the edge, but maybe others will jump in and tell us why.  Anyway, Gleason 7 is not too bad and you are probably being prioritised against G8 & G9 because his is less aggressive.  I must admit to being surprised that you haven’t been offered HT. I am not sure your GP will get involved as you are already under specialist supervision but worth a try.  David

  • Hi all,

    We finally got a call from the Cancer nurse team yesterday, they confirmed the phone call we got on Mon was correct and his bone scan came back clear, they mentioned that he couldn't start on HT treatment until they knew that. They are going to start him off on bicalutamide for 28 days and after 7 to 10 days the first HT jab at the GP surgery, which will be a 3 months course.

    Then when the oncologist appt comes on 28th Jan, we can discuss when the RT will start, looking like possibly April.

    Thanks everyone for getting us through the last 3 weeks, I will be checking back in when he gets his symptoms of being on HT.

    He was wondering if he should take sage supplements now to help with the hot flushes that reading seem to be a very common side effect.

    Thanks again,


  • Good morning Jane. Things seem a lot better once you have a plan and the good news is that the hormone therapy starts working very quickly.

    I would wait to see if your partner actually gets any hot flushes and, if he does, how severe they are before trying the sage tablets.

    I hope that you can relax more now and have a wonderful time over Christmas and New year.

  • Wonderful news his bone scan is clear, and he's started treatment, I would wait regarding hot flushes, not everyone gets them and they can be mild.

    Much better to work on hubby's fitness, as fatigue is very likely and can be tough on you, so do what exercise you can, if its something you like doing, walking-swimming, that's great. It will make a difference when fatigue starts.

    PS, his HT injection is given every 3 months, and his course is likely to be between 18  and 36 months, best wishes to you both.

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi Jane , 

    from a wife who had experienced all these fears too .my OH was diagnosed March and the appointments seemed to drag out . We didn’t see the oncologist until July .

    he was started on bicalutamide for 21 days but in the middle week he had his 1st Prostap injection . He then stated Aberaterone when he saw the Oncoligist in July . His PSA is now undetectable albeit he won’t be cured but it’s keeping the PC at bay . Please ask any question even if you think it’s not relevant as I find this group so helpful and caring 


    Liz & OH 


  • Hi Jane - as you know, we have been communicating via the site messaging service.  This is a significant step forward and I hope that by early next week you will both be much more settled, knowing that the cancer has been stopped in its tracks with more treatments being prepared in the wings.  Well done for being so (politely) persistent!    AW

  • Thanks everyone.

    I just wanted to say we now have my OH prescription and bicalutamide tablets to start in the morning. His first HT jab at the surgery on 30th Dec, a PSA test booked in for Jan 13th before we travel to Switzerland ahead of the oncologist appt on 28th Jan.

    Thanks for all the help and advice getting us this far in 3 weeks since being diagnosed, we will both sleep better tonight.