I can have removal or Hormone/Radiotherapy

  • 21 replies
  • 155 subscribers

Hello team,

I was last here around 2 to 3 years ago because I had Lymphoma. Touch wood, that is still in abeyance but now I have the double whammy of prostate cancer.

I can't tell you my Gleason score, because I was not told. NOW I know I need to find out. All I know is that the PSA before biopsy was 9.7 and my recent talk with the Consultant he said  most of my biopsy samples were "Grade 1" which is of little to no concern but I had one spot of "Grade 3 " which is "more aggressive".

I was offered either of the two treatments listed above ... removal or hormone/radiotherapy.  I asked about others such as ultrasound but was told that was not suitable for grade 3 and anyway I do not think it is on offer here.

Of the two I originally thought hormone/radiotherapy sounded the way to go. I have researched and frankly the combined list of side effects makes it sound as if the treatment could be worse than the disease, particularly as they want me on hormones for three years after the end of radiotherapy. (Why if the ;radio' has worked ????)

I have to make a choice soon.

So, if any of you who have been through or are going through this sort of regime can advise how it feels/affects you and any other advice that you can offer, I will be very grateful.

Best wishes

  • Hello David ( )

    Don't worry - we all started somewhere and just sometimes all it takes is a little bit of encouragement or support for someone and it can be the message that saves the day.

    As a certain supermarket says "every little helps".

    Best wishes - Brian.

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