Finished rt

  • 6 replies
  • 141 subscribers

I finally completed my rt on Friday and yesterday I had a phone call from oncology saying that I would not have a follow up appointment but they was putting me on a remote monitoring service starting in 6 months time has anyone heard of this service and any more information on this,thanks Paul 

  • Good Morning Paul ()

    It's a strange feeling when you have completed Radiotherapy - one second you are at the hospital every day - next you have been put out into the "wilderness"!

    Yes, I am on a remote monitoring service and it works very well. If everything goes well I am on 6 monthly PSA's for the next 5 years and then annual ones. I am under The Christie in Manchester and the service is PEASS (Prostate Easy Access Self Service). They start you off with a half hour introductory meeting or video to give you details of the scheme. They introduce your two dedicated nurses by name, telephone number and e-mail address.

    When your time comes for a PSA test (you get an e-mail reminder) you book it online at a centre near you (mine is at a hospice two miles away) and you are issued with a 6 monthly check up form to complete online. Either the same day or the next day my PSA results are e-mailed to me along with any questions regarding my online health form.

    I have spoken to the nurses a couple of times and the system is great - I have been on it for over a year.

    I love the fact I can pick and chose my own time and place for my blood test and also the fact I can contact someone 24 hours a day (my own 2 nurses Monday - Friday).

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Very normal Paul.

    Since finishing RT in 2017 I haven't seen anyone, PSA done Via GP and speaking with hospital regarding that but not visiting.

    If PSA had started rising I probably would have gone back at some stage so just wait for a couple of Psa tests over the coming months and hopefully all will be ok.

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Paul - that`s great news!   I`m now in a similar position - PSA down to 0.29 after RT and now 6 monthly tests.   I don`t know what to do with myself other than go on holiday Wink  Others have answered with slight variations on the process - pleased for you!

    Geoff S

    We`ve Got This!

  • Oh and 3 monthly HT jabs until the end of 2026 which is a means to a curative end I hope Fingers crossed

    Geoff S

    We`ve Got This!