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  • 131 subscribers

Met with radiologist today who said she will be looking to treat prostate and leison in pelvic area at same time .good news ,continue on zoladex and apalutamide. got to have scan first and start RT early December. She said it would have been november but will wait for end of my holiday 

  • Hi Mal CG.

    That's great news, yes I had to have some radiotherapy a few weeks ago too my pelvis and right hip just one shot.

    This instantly calmed down the bone pain and I will find out the results hopefully when I see my consultant at the hospital.

    I do hope that everything goes well with your treatment my friend.

    Prostate Worrier 

  • Hello  

    That 's great news - so they are going to "zap" both the Prostate and the pelvic area which I hope will sort out your issues once the Hormone Therapy has got to work. It's nothing to worry about - the hardest part of the radiotherapy treatment is travelling to and from the hospital and finding somewhere to park!!

    I have had both my prostate and pelvic lymph nodes done and it's worked for me with little or no side effects.

    The best advice I can give you is nearer the time take what ever advice the radiologists give you at the planning scan and follow it to the letter. 

    During your fractions of radiotherapy - let you team know of any changes to you or your bodily functions.

    Enjoy the holiday.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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