Confirmation of diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 132 subscribers

My father, 75, called me yesterday (we live a few hundred miles apart). He was getting blood in his urine, saw the GP, had a PSA test with a result of 18. Then had an MRI on Monday which showed "something" (possibly outside the prostate itself - he wasn't able to recall this) and he had a biopsy on Wednesday. Apparently it will take four weeks for the results of this and there will then be a "multi-team meeting" to discuss next steps. He has been given a medication (he didn't tell me the name) that he has to take until the biopsy results come back. 

From the limited research I have done it seems likely to me that he will be diagnosed with prostate cancer given the blood in urine and the PSA level. Whilst I understand that the internet cannot give an accurate assessment, I would appreciate any insights - should our family to expect this to at an advanced stage, particularly given the blood in urine?

  • Hi  , unfortunately you are at a difficult stage waiting for results.  I would say that at 75 (I am also 75), if cancer is found, it is likely to be slow growing (even if aggressive), so a few weeks won’t matter.  I strongly advise you not to use Dr Google but stick to MacMillan and PCUK as sources of information.  Once you get some results, please come back and you will get loads of help I am sure.  Best wishes, David.

  • Hi E and welcome 

    Sorry to hear about your dad.

    PSA is not particularly high so without a MRI report or biopsy it's difficult to say.

    Blood in urine may be due to something else IE infection.

    If u can get hold of a copy of the MRI report to see exactly what is going on IE 'possibly something outside the prostate' apparently.

    Because u have to wait 4 weeks to get biopsy  results getting hold of MRI report and talking about it on here may help u get some earlier answers.

    Best wishes 


  • Hello E51. My husband was 75 when diagnosed. The waiting for results was the hardest part. We were told 2 weeks for biopsy results and I pushed ( politely) for these to be given to us asap. 

    he then had to go through a bone scan. Again, I pushed for an early scan by saying we were prepared to take a last minute cancellation and drop everything to go to the hospital for this. They told me it would be two weeks for the result of the scan. Knowing that the results would be sitting on the consultants computer by the day after the scan, we rang up urology and were given them! 

    what we learned was that we had to take control of our journey through the diagnostics - the hospital sure did not have control and did not seem to care.

    you say your dad has been given a medication. This could be hormone treatment to stop the cancer growing and spreading further while they are trying to establish the staging of the cancer?

    if the diagnosis does, indeed, turn out to be advanced prostate cancer as you fear, please don’t worry excessively! Even though advanced cancer cannot be cured, it can be very well managed and kept under control for a good time. As others say on here , there is plan a, b, c, d etc!

    I know you will naturally be concerned for and about your Dad but if he is in a relationship, can I advise you to also look out for his partner/ wife? From experience, I can say that this is also a very difficult time for the partner. Prostate cancer is a couples illness. It nearly broke me!