Rt delay

  • 11 replies
  • 133 subscribers

I’m currently having RT 12 fractions in 8 to go, Monday and Tuesday were cancelled due to machine breaking down,therefore I have had a break of 4 days without treatment I understand this will be added on at the end of my  plan but I’m a bit concerned with this interruption of my treatment any help would be appreciated 

  • Hello  . My husband had a couple of days when the machine was down, but not consecutive. We were assured that it would not have an effect on outcome but the nerd in me wanted to know what the evidence was. There have been 2 main pieces of work with EBRT as far as I can find which are contradictory. The first in 2016 relates to several types of cancer but not specifically for prostate indicating that an interruption could have an effect. The second in 2018 is for prostate cancer specifically which indicates that there is no effect on various outcomes. 

    I hope today's session goes without a hitch but you could always ask the question of the experts.


  • Thank you,I will ask the question today Thumbsup

  • Hi  , sorry to hear that your treatment has been disrupted and hope it works today.  I had my RT with a number of Bank Holidays in the middle. The view was that it was the total dose that counted as it was a cumulative treatment, so weekends and short gaps weren’t an issue.  From memory Easter caused a 4 day gap anyway.  Fingers crossed. David

  • Hi Paul

    I suppose bearing in. mind we never got treated over the weekend with Radiotherapy a couple of extra days no problem but if me I wouldn't be happy if it continued for too long.

    I would keep pushing them , after all how long can it take to repair unless machine irreparable.

    Good luck


  • Frustrating, but no effect on the cumulative dose, so I wouldn’t worry.  If anything, it lets your body’s surrounding organs a bit more end to settle down between fractions.    AW

  • Hi, just reaching out for advice really and know people on here are very knowledgeable.  My OH has had a letter about his upcoming radiotherapy sessions. He has been on alaputimide since July which he has responded well to. His psa had come down from 143 to 0.06.  He will be having a CT scan Monday on his prostate and nodes which I’m presuming is a planning scan, but Tuesday he will be having an MRI on the same area. Can I ask why he’ll be having an MRI on the same area the very next day. Any advice is welcome. 


  • I would imagine that he is going to have MRI guided radiotherapy (the latest, most accurate type).  The MRI will be used to map the target area.  Since his initial PSA has fallen so much, they want to see how much the PC has shrunk, so they don’t overdo the radiotherapy.   This is good news, don’t worry.   AW

  • Thankyou Alpine Wanderer. As much as I’ve read up on this it’s all new territory and I go into panic mode at the very mention of scans.  I’m sure everyone feels the same.  Everything seemed to be going slow then suddenly we got a letter from radiotherapy to say he had upcoming scans Monday and Tuesday. I suppose this is how it’s going to be. It will soon be the norm I expect.  Thankyou so much.

  • You sound like you have excellent, proactive care being provided.  Once he gets the scans, the radiotherapy will follow very soon afterwards.  Things will settle down after that.   AW

  • Hi  , just wondering how this weeks RT went?  Hope the machines behaved.  David