1st PSA test post Radiotherapy

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  • 132 subscribers

I was Gleason 4+5 =9 (therefore “aggressive” cancer but the bone scan and PET scan did not detect any spread.  I’ve been in Hormone Therapy (6 monthly injections) since January 2024 and finished 20 radiation sessions in mid June. The result of first PSA test following RT was “undetectable”. So I reckon thats pretty good.  I’ve still got some side effects (mainly bowel issues) but there are signs of improvement. I’ll have hormone injections every 6 months for 3 years. Its not been great but the latest PSA test leaves me feeling optimistic.

I do get a few hot flushes, muscle loss (I go to the gym) and weight gain (tummy mainly), and fatigue (I’ve started playing golf again but with the aid of a buggy).

I had no choice in the treatment. I was told that at 76 I was too old for surgery. At least I didn’t have sleepless nights trying to decide what was best for me. By the I was initially diagnosed with an enlarged prostate by my GP. My symptoms were getting up in the night to urinate and then not being able to do so. PSA was around 6. Had an MRI scan within 3 weeks and a biopsy 4 weeks after that.  

I thought this might be helpful to some. I’m happy to expand on my experiences if anyone wants it (in private if you’d prefer). 

  • Long may it last....I was in a similar position 

  • Hello  

    Well that looks like you are doing OK so far. A bit like me (Gleason 9 5+4, T3aN0M0 initial PSA182). I am 33 months into a 36 month Hormone/Radiotherapy journey. All is going well, I feel knackered some days, I have put on weight but in my eyes I have won!! My oncologist said those magic words "Curative Pathway".

    it is a drag and you have some while to go - stick with it - the feeling you get on that last Hormone Injection is almost as good as winning the lottery (well like I assume you would feel).

    Thank you for posting, the more personal experiences we have, the better off people who are just starting their journey will be.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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