
  • 23 replies
  • 153 subscribers

When husband started his 3 monthly hormone injections he was told by the hospital to have them at his GP every 12 weeks which we have been doing. Today a different nurse he saw said he was a week early as his last one was 5 June and his next one should have been on 5 sept, as they work in calendar months not weeks. What is other people's experience please. If he has them every 12 weeks it works out at 4.3 injections a year but by calendar months it is 4. Thank you 

  • Hi Confused.

    Good morning and welcome my friend I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances though but never mind!!!!!

    I'm also on HT injections at my GPs surgery and I have seen the same nurse to date. She/they seem to work on a monthly basis.

    She just tells me to phone the surgery at the end of the third month and arrange a time and day that fits in with both myself and my wife.

    Both my hospital and GP surgery seem to be fine with this so we have been happy with things to be honest.

    I do hope that this is helpful???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Thank you so it seems like your surgery work in months rather than weeks 

  • Hello Shar,

    I'm on the same, instructions issued by my consultant to the GP specifically said 12 weekly. I'm approaching the next injection at the GPs and it's arranged for exactly 12 weeks after the last one.

    I've seen this same question a couple of times before with different answers. I'd be inclined to check the correct frequency with your consultant and make sure it's being done right (although I don't know if one week difference has any bearing on efficacy).

    Personally I don't trust my GP surgery to get anything much right unfortunately, based on my experience with them.


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi Shar.

    That's no problem my friend, yes it does look like they work on the same time scale as my hospital did previously.

    I do hope that other members on here will be in touch with you shortly but in the meantime if there is anything else that I can help you with please please come back to me???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Should be 12 weeks from my understanding and the date for my next injection which is 12 weeks following first injection. If in doubt ring the urologist/oncologist that prescribed for confirmation.

  • Thank you so much everyone. I have left a message for the specialist oncology nurse to ring me back.

  • Hi Shar,

    My doctor and nurse at the surgery where I have my jabs have always stuck to 12 week intervals but said up to 1 week late would not be a problem! My lovely nurse always works out the date of the nexJoyt due jab before I leave the surgery. Hope this hasn't confused you even more!Joy



  • Good morning Shar.

    This is a question which comes up from time to time and the answer can vary. Some injections are scheduled for every 12 weeks whilst others it is every 3 months. The main one which causes confusion is Prostap (Leuprolide) where the manufacturer recommends every 3 calendar months but some practitioners still insist on every 12 weeks. There was a paper I read a while ago which compared the 12 week Vs 3 monthly injections long term and this suggested that the shorter time period could lead to a higher PSA and an earlier timeframe for recurrence. Under the circumstances I would err on the side of the manufacturers recommendations as it is based on controlled evidence from trials.

  • Hello  

    There's been lots of debate on this subject.

    I am with  here. My GP practice go off the weeks not the months. I was on 6 monthly injections and they were booked spot on 26 weeks (give or take a day or two for weekends). The PIL (Patient Information Leaflet) with mine says "months" - see link below.

    I think from reading previous threads it's down to the nurses in your own GP practice.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi  . I was on Prostap 3 injections for three years and the GP practice nurse always said 12 weeks and not 13. However the PIL for the drug says 3 months so there's definitely a conflict somewhere.

    Sorry, that probably doesn't help much.

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