MRI with contrast

  • 11 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Hi I’m still very new (scared)  to everything I’m 55 first psa 3.7 repeat was 5.04. I have been put on the pathway and had my MRI scheduled for next Wednesday. Is says MRI with contrast, can anyone explain what it is please…don’t know why but I’ve been crying on and off today after receiving the letter may because it’s just become formal. I’m a retired firefighter due to severe PTSD back in 2014 so maybe that why my emotions are all over the place. Thank you very much to anyone who responds 

  • Hi SCJ and welcome 

    To begin with u don't even know if u have PC yet with those PSa figures and no MRI done .

    MRI contrast gives enhanced images of the prostrate to help determine if cancer present.

    I wouldn't worry to much at this stage because even if it is it will probably be easily treatable with PSa figures near normal.

    I am sure they haven't said to u that it is cancer?

    Keep us posted, there are plenty of people on here who can help you.

    All the best


  • Hi SCJ.

    Good afternoon and welcome to our prostate cancer family sorry to have meet you under these circumstances though!!!!

    Please please don't feel scared as you have come to the right place for help and support my friend.

    Your PSA numbers are very very low so by the looks of things the cancer has been caught in the early stages which is good news.

    I am very sorry to hear about your severe PTSD. Yes my journey started last June 2023 with a PSA off 1000+. After 12mnts of HT the PSA is now 1.79 which is crazy but good.

    The contrast for your scan is something that is injected in to your veins so that they can see the details required to give a better more accurate diagnosis.

    I have had many of these scans in and around my brain following my Stroke in 1998.

    I hope that this is ok???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. I don’t know what I would do without this forum with all the stories of hope and support 

  • Thank you very much for responding I feel a bit selfish for venting considering everyone on this brilliant forum probably have moments like I’ve had today thankyou

  • Hi SCJ,

    I think fear of the unknown is the worst. This forum is a great source of reliable information. My PSA was higher than yours and I am through my treatment, I have used my Profile as a diary. If you would like to read it, click on my profile photo.

    Any time your down come back here, the peeps on here are fantastic.

    Cheers Phil

  • Hi  ,

    I'm relatively new to this too, but slightly ahead of you in the pathway.

    I know what you mean about your emotions being all over the place, and, oddly being strangely affected by the letters, even though I knew what they were going to say.

    The MRI scan with contrast is nothing to be bothered about in itself.

    First, try not to wear anything with metal in. I failed in that and had to wear a gown. Not at all flattering. If you succeed in being metal free, then they don't even ask you to undress.

    You lay on a bed and are equipped with headphones and plastic glasses. The headphones are to reduce noise and to allow them to speak to you They are likely to offer you music and they have a list of choices. I doubt that you will hear much of the music because MRI machines can be very noisy.

    You will have a canula placed in your arm - this is to inject the contrast dye. That's not done at first, but towards the end.

    The process takes about 10-15 minutes. You are likely to have both the music and an animated picture to look at. I kept myself occupied by counting out (in my head) the timings of the animations so that I knew very roughly how long I had to go.

    The contrast dye goes in about 2-4 minutes before the end. All you get is kind of a cold .rush in your arm, which last seconds.

    Shortly after that, they will come and rescue you. You get dressed (if you are not cleverer than me) and sit around for a short while to prove to them that you are not going to keel over.

    Then you find yourself wandering away to get a coffee.

    They will tell you roughly when you are going to get the results.

    I am not medically qualified and cannot offer you any guidance as to outcomes, except to say that my PSA was higher than yours.

    The one thing to hold on to is that there are treatments for all stages of this wretched illness.

    For me, there are good treatments, which may cure me, but even if they don't, will keep me going for a good long time to come.

    The aim is cure.

    If you find yourself in the same place as me, and I would say that the odds are you will be in a better one., then you have a chronic illness. It is the word cancer that is messing with your brain.

    Talk to people, and get support.

    At my church there are 3 other men with the same problem. It is much more common than you think. Take all the help you can get.

    Then offer it to others.

  • Hi  , you are at that horrible initial stage of shock and disbelief.  You won’t believe me, but it will get better and you will accept your diagnosis when it comes.

    So far, all we know is that your PSA is slightly raised between two readings.  There are a few factors that could cause this.  Having a DRE (finger up the bum) examination, having sex or prostate cancer.  In the worst case, prostate cancer (PCa) is then divided into two types (curable or treatable).  My version is treatable and we have a few of us who are still going after a few years.  Analysing where you are, my take is that IF you have PCa it has been caught early and it will be curable.

    I know that this won’t stop you being totally absorbed by the prospect of having PCa and worrying yourself silly about it, but you aren’t going to die from this!

    On Wednesday the others have described what will happen.  Apart from a small cannula being inserted into the back of your hand to allow the contrast to be given usually half way through two scans, that’s it.  You will then have a delay before your results are known and this may be a couple of weeks but can be slightly shorter on longer.

    If you have any questions, please come back on here and you will get amazing advice from the team.  Once you have your results, let us know and again you will get all the help you need.  Best wishes, David

  • Hi SCJ.

    No probs my friend it's my pleasure.

    Please please don't feel selfish for venting as that's what we are all here for.

    Yes we have all got the "t-shirt" unfortunately but don't worry just ask away!!!!

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Thank you very much For taking the time David 

  • Hello again  

    I have attached an information sheet on the MRI to give you an idea of what to expect next Wednesday. The dye is injected into a vein, like a blood test but putting it in rather than taking it out. Make sure you are well hydrated both before as well as after to flush the dye out of your system. Remember, this scan is to check whether they can see anything which looks abnormal and with the low PSA and negative DRE the indication is that you will have a good result.

    The tears are understandable for anyone who has to undergo tests to see if they have cancer or has been diagnosed with cancer. It is the fear of the unknown even for big rufty tufties. My husband was in the special forces and also suffers from PTSD so I can understand a little about the extra challenges this can have for you.