Any advice on triplet therapy

  • 20 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Hi All,

I have seen a few posts on triplet therapy. 

my understanding from prostate UK is that you can only have triplet therapy if you have been on hormone therapy for less than 12 weeks and you haven’t started Apalutamide or similar. 

my dad has just been prescribed Apalutamide, due to start tomorrow. I feel a bit panicked now as I don’t want him to lose the potential of triplet therapy. 

any one got any advice on this to help us decide what’s best to do?

I have just emailed his team to ask if he can have triplet therapy but given his diagnosis I can’t see why he couldn’t. 



  • This is another link which might help using different types of hormone therapy, giving some pros and cons of each one.

    We can give you some help nearer to the time when dad starts chemotherapy in order to keep him, and those around him, safe.

    The question to ask is which of the hormone therapies might be best for your dad in conjunction with the Docetxel - possibly why dad has been told not to take the Abiraterone for now.

  • Hi all

    I hope you don't mind me jumping into your thread!

    I am worried about what you said re only getting chemo if you have been on HT for less than 12 weeks?

    My husband received his first HT injection on Monday 29th of April bit we don't have our first appointment with tje oncologist until 2nd August...a period of 13 weeks and 3 days.

    Does this now preclude him automatically for chemo or triplet therapy?

    As we think the bone mets must be extensive (from indication given at diagnosis appointment with the nurse), RT won't be an option.

    Terrified now that the delay for oncologist will be too late!!

  • Hey ALMF,

    On prostate UK it states that you can’t have triplet therapy if you have been on hormone injections for more than 12 weeks or if you have started Apalutamide, there were other drugs listed so best to check the website. 

    chemo is fine whenever but if you want triplet therapy and will be beyond the 12 weeks, I’d recommend calling them and saying you need the appointment sooner for him to have the option of triplet therapy. 

  • Hello  

     has just stolen my thunder - I would be telling them that the delay in the appointment may prevent him having the treatment he needs.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Haha maybe I can become the intern. 

  • Good Afternoon 

    We are recruiting - here's the link:

     “It's wonderful to have Community Champions”- Celebrating National Volunteers’ week on the Online Community 

    I can confirm it's a rewarding job!!  And i am still the "new boy" after 10 months!!

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi CCG, my husband is on triplet medication and is doing OK, so far he hasn't had any trouble with the chemo, he has just had his 4th round of chemo Tuesday. 

    I'm still to worried about getting to hopefully but his psa has fallen from 473 to 0.66.

    All the best with the treatment 

  • Hey Irish Terrier,

    Thanks for the update and so pleased to hear OH is doing well on triplet therapy and what a great result!!

    Out of curiosity were you offered any other treatment options to consider?

    Is OH generally fit and well?

    take care xx

  • Hi CCG, My husband was only offered the triplet treatment as he has extensive bone mets. 

  • Thanks Irish Terrier, diagnosis sounds v similar to my dad x