2 years on this month

  • 11 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Having been diagnosed in June 2022 and undergoing Hormone therapy, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for an aggressive tumour, a PSA reading of 22 (which seems low compared to some), I was pleased to see my readings come down to 0.05, however for the last 3 four monthly blood tests my readings have crept up from 1.7 to 2.31 and now to 3.9. When my readings went through 2 I was put on Bicalutamide 50mg which I had hoped would either stabilise or hopefully reduce my levels. Can I ask has anyone else experienced this upturn in PSA readings after treatment. I ask as my next consultation is not until the end of this month .

  • Hello  .

    My husband's journey started almost 4 years ago with a rare and aggressive form of prostate cancer. In that time he has had 3 recurrences which prompt a change in treatment. I would think that your next step would be either to have a PSMA PET CT scan which will identify precisely where the little blighters are lurking, or you may stay on Bicalutamide as the rise in PSA is gradual or you may be switched onto something like Enzalutamide which acts in a similar way to Bicalutamide but more strongly. You can read hubbys journey if you want to by clicking on my picture but with the proviso that his journey is not necessarily typical of what you will expect in the UK -we live in Greece.

    Please ask any questions if you want clarification on anything.

  • Thanks for your comments and indeed your husbands journey brings a lot of hope. I think having this forum really helps because you do feel along at times. Again thank you and good luck

  • Hi Joka1916 and welcome, I too was diagnosed June 2022 with an aggressive, low secreting, castrate resistant prostate cancer and a PSA of 8.2,  after hormone & radiotherapy PSA was 0.08 and remained so  until Dec 2023 when it rose tu0.24,  and in March 2024 0.48, next PSA test and HT injection  tomorrow, we shall see. take care.


  • Good luck mate, hope PSA shows nice low level, keep in touch

  • Hello Joka, this is the scenario that I dread and my thoughts and best wishes go out to you. We none of us get any guarantees on this journey. That said, there is a whole armoury of treatment out there ! It sounds as if your team have ‘got your back’ and are watching things very carefully with your best interests at heart. I wish you all the very best  and every success in getting on top of this rising PSA.

  • Hi Joka1916.

    Good morning and welcome it's great to meet you today sorry that it's under these circumstances!!!!

    I was diagnosed 12mnts ago and my PSA was initially 1000+ (Aggressive) Once I started HT my PSA dropped to 0.2. But my last appointment is had gone up to 0.9.

    I have got my next appointment at the end of July (3 monthly) hopefully this will be better news but I believe that chemo is the next step to hit this bloody thing.

    I do hope that everything goes ok at the end of this month???

    Please please let me know if there is anything that I can help you with???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Eddie, good luck with the next check up.  Best wishes, David

  • Thanks David, just been for my HT injection, only to be told they forgot to order it and might not get it till Monday, there so comforting, Anyway asked for a prescription and will source one myself, maybe self administer lol. take care.


  • Hi Eddie,

    Good luck for Monday injection.

    Lots of love


  • Thanks Dafna, If/when i source one it will be done this Friday, had PSA done this morning, so should get results before the weekend. Just hospice today then off to coast. How are you and Jacob doing in sunny Brighton. take care..

    Eddie xx