ED post surgery and treatments

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had my prostate removal surgery 21st August so nearly 8 weeks ago. Surgeon believes he was able to spare nerves but could be a year or more before they may come back to life. Spoke with nurse today having spoken with surgeon few weeks back as I’ve been reading about rehabilitation and need to gett blood flow back into my pecker. Nurse writing to my gp to prescribed 25mg to take daily and arrange for penis pump. Just wondering what other men’s experiences have been and what you have tried, what worked and what didn’t. I’ve said No to injections and implants. 



  • I'd go for 25mg and a pump to see how it works for you, if you're lucky you will be able to get both on prescription. They worked - and continue to work - for me.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi

    ive now been prescribed 25mg Viagra once a day. I’m on day two, apart from giving me headaches nothing else has happened no erections. I’m seeing the nurse in Nov and also getting vacuum pump. At this stage is all about penile rehab and getting the blood flowing back into penis (use or lose it type of thing). Did it take a while for viagra to work for you? I think it could also be psychological that’s impeding me as well. 


  • Hello Colin, my treatment was different from yours, I had radiotherapy and hormone treatment so was affected for several months after treatment ended until the effect of the last hormone injection eventually wore off. At that stage I mentioned it to my GP who prescribed a higher dose of sildenafil (generic viagra) to take "when required", not a low dose to be taken daily. Other than that there was no other support where I am and I ended up buying a pump myself after thoroughly researching them. I'm happy to report all works well and has done for a few years now.

    So, I can't comment on your own treatment other than to say I have seen others say that a similar regime did work for them so I'm sure it'll work in time for you - you might just need to be patient for a while but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

    I agree that rehab / use it or lose it are important so you've certainly been put on the right track.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi Colin. We are nearly in November but I would suggest you phone the Nurse to tell her about the side effects. Your body is telling you it does not like Viagra at the present time, it is not telling you the reason why. PC is a big enough headache without having an additional one. I am sure you know there are other types of ED meds and one of these may be more suitable. I had my op 13 months ago and have been on 5 mg daily of Tadalafil and I also use a pump. The pump works fairly well but it is a bother. The ED remains. A month ago I did take it upon myself to try a ""booster"" of 20mg Tadalafil for 4 days and then 50mg of Sildenofil for 4 days but they did not help at all. Thinking I will now continue with the 5mg for the next year (as prescribed) to see if things do improve and then see what my Nurse says about increasing the dose continuously if ED is still a problem to see if that helps. If not think I may try injections although I am a wimp and the thought really does make me cringe. Nauseated face