Meeting with consultant after 9 weeks

  • 2 replies
  • 146 subscribers

So we went to see the consultant today and the first thing he said to my husband was “ you are very strange “ Grin

He said you have grade 1  Gleason 3+3 which is very low so hopefully just active surveillance, and that’s great we are more than happy to live with that but then he said the mri doesn’t match the biopsy results so they want to do another biopsy under general anaesthetic so they can take a whole bunch of samples from the suspect side showing on the mri.

so half of me is happy but the other half thinks could this all change. They said it will happen probably 4-6 weeks and then if we have to wait another 9 weeks for the results it will be around Christmas.

Has anyone else had this happen to them??

one good thing at least by the end of this there should be no doubt with the findings.

  • Mmmm . a bit puzzling  W

    Mri doesn't match the biopsy.  Even if a tumour large which is possibly what they are indicating it could still be Gleeson 6.

    Yes a perineal biopsy takes more samples and requires a GA so perhaps they're acting on the safe side.

    I'm no expert anyway so my queries not  prob relevant..

    One  thing may be worth doing is ask for a copy of the MRi report, this would hopefully give u tumour size in mm and show where the tumour is located within the gland. perhaps may explain why they want this other biopsy  

    best wishes


  • Grundo

    Thanks for your reply, I think I will ask for a copy.

     I think maybe it will be the same result but I think they want to air on the side of caution and also confirm their first diagnosis x