• 2 replies
  • 148 subscribers

Morning gang as my treatment plan moves forward starting brachytherapy followed by radiotherapy how long would I expect to be off work on the dreaded SSP 

  • Hi M

    Obviously I don't know your full situation but I never took any time off during my RT.

    I know you're having brachy as well so there may be a few days off there, have u asked your cancer center?


  • Hi Mustardo

    As far as I am aware you won't be off work for long - Brachy may cause you to have a few days off - my RT fractions were all evening sessions so I kept working so no issues there.

    With my business head on SSP is not paid for the first 3 days of sickness and then your employer can pay you for 28 weeks as a maximum. If you meet the conditions it's £ 109.40 per week!!Rage..

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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