After radiotherapy

  • 11 replies
  • 150 subscribers

Hi all. My dad is due to start 4 weeks of radiotherapy in September. My mum and him were hoping to go on holiday in October (they missed out this summer) My question is to anyone who has been through it. How did you feel in the weeks after treatment ended? Energy levels? Pain etc? Many thanks x 

  • Hi Missy28

    I did my 4 weeks Radiotherapy in January 2023. There was no pain, increased use of the toilet in the latter stages but that wore off soon after treatment finished.

    The only things I would say are:

    * Keep up with the exercises as the fatigue will get you - there's nothing as sure as that but keeping moving - I was back to normal after a couple of weeks.

    * Listen to what the Radiologists say - mine at The Christy at Oldham were amazing. They didn't issue a diet sheet but the advice was you don't want "wind" so leave the green vegetables, beans, pulses, fizzy drinks and booze alone and you will be great. Following that advice I sailed through mine.

    He will have a "planning scan" where he will get his tattoo's (courtesy of the NHS), before the 4 weeks start. They will also advise him of how they work the fractions at his hospital and joy of joys introduce him to the "self enema". Something to look forward to.

    Personal opinion, give it a couple of weeks after the radiotherapy is done and he should be fine.

    My journey is documented if you click on the icon of the beach. Anything else, just ask.

    I hope it goes well and it's a great holiday.

    Kind regards


    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Missy, my husbands oncology consultant advised us not to go abroad on holiday for 6-8 weeks after the radiotherapy as side effects and complications can occur in this time . We did as told and, apart from feeling tired,nothing untoward happened. Our insurance cover reinstated cover as soon as the RT had finished!

    I hope all goes well for your Dad. As Brian says, I would also advise following instructions to the letter.

  • Thank you so much Brian!! 

  • Thank you. I really appreciate the reply! 

  • Hi Missy

    As others have indicated, I feel that your parents might be pushing their luck, going away straight after the RT finishes. As Brian says leave it a couple of weeks at least. 

    I cannot over emphasise the importance of following a low fibre diet and no booze, again, as Brian has indicated. I did, until Christmas Day 2019, when I thought a few sprouts and a couple of glasses of wine cant do any harm, can it? WRONG!!!!! It really wasn't funny and I wouldn't have managed to get in on Boxing Day if I had to.

    Energy levels do drop on RT, but recover fairly quickly after. Is he on HT too? If so that will have a bigger long term effect but, most likely, won't have really kicked in. 



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Missy

    As others have said,  you need to take it easy during and after RT, I had some side effects which lasted for a couple of weeks after treatment finished.

    Also you don't want to risk having some rare nasty reaction while abroad.

    RT in September, when during October are they going away. , If towards the end of the month then maybe ok but still depends on any lasting side effects.

    Best wishes


  • Hi   I found that the worst side effect of RT was fatigue. I wasn't up for anything for at least a week. My friends from the rowing club helped me get past it by coming round every day and taking me out for a walk. It was just half a mile to start with but we soon built up and we're walking several miles every day within a few weeks. I think that 6-8 weeks after RT before attempting anything like a holiday is a good guideline.

    Good luck with the treatment.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • Hi all, we found there was an emotional response after the RT too! We had spent so long working towards the RT and then had the intensity of all the travelling. Suddenly the RT was finished and there was nothing! We almost didn’t know what to do with our time! We felt in a sort of limbo as there were no tests to tell us whether the treatment was successful. Did my husband still have cancer or didn’t he?!!!  It was a strange feeling and we had to make a determined effort to move on with our lives. We did arrange a lovely holiday for the end of May ( RT finished beginning of March). That really was the turning point for getting on with the rest of our lives!

  • Hi WW - That's 100% correct - I felt abandoned - nothing after Radiotherapy but a PSA test in 6 months with a health review.

    The MacMillan nurse did assure me it had been worthwhile and the RT had done it's job - but yes a strange feeling and being on HT too very emotional.

    As time has passed since the end of RT despite the HT side effects I haven't felt so good in years!!Sunglasses

    Best wishes to all


    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • that's true, there is a bereft feeling, perhaps a good reason to take a break....... if u are prepared to risk any ongoing side effects