
  • 2 replies
  • 154 subscribers

I've been on prostap for prostate cancer for over 5 years and was wondering how long other people have been taking it for I have readings of undetectable but how long will this last or is it ongoing until it does not work what then if anything. Cheers Richard 

  • Hi Richard.

    I see from your profile that you were T3B N1 M0 and Gleason 9. So, it was an aggressive cancer with lymph node involvement but no metastases to bones or other organs. Maybe you could take a break from Prostap and just have your PSA monitored with a view to going back on it if your PSA starts to rise. Ask your GP or Oncology team what they recommend.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hi Richard,

                         From initial diagnosis (March 2020), I was told I would be on Prostap3 until it stops working. I suppose it could depend on the individual and the consultant/oncology/MDT decisions, maybe your Health Board policies play a part. Chemo seems a likely "plan B" for me.

    Take care, Tom