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Hi, is it ok to take Tamsulosin whilst having Prostrap 3 injections. Have been prescribed them by my urologist not the oncologist. I know it may seem a silly question, but my anxiety levels are sky high at the moment. 
thank you 

  • Hi Hman

    I’m glad you asked that question as my husband is on Tamsulosin and finasteride for an on going issue prior to PC diagnosis. He is about to start Prostap 3 once he’s had a bone scan. His repeat prescription today included both of these alongside the Prostap 3 so I’m assuming that he will carry on with those.

    Someone else who is further down the line with treatment might be able to answer this for both of us.

    Hope your treatment goes well 

    kind regards Robina 

  • Plenty of men are on Tamsulosin and hormone therapy. Hormone therapy will shrink the prostate in about 3 months, and this may mean the Tamsulosin is no longer required from that point. Do note that both Tamsulosin and hormone therapy often change blood pressure (in opposite directions), so do monitor blood pressure while changing these medications. (Tamsulosin lowers blood pressure very quickly, whereas hormone therapy usually increases blood pressure slowly over the following 3 months.)

    Finasteride is a half-way hormone therapy, disabling DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) but not Testosterone. Hormone therapy disables Testosterone, and since DHT is made from Testosterone, most of that is gone too, so there may be no point in continuing with Finasteride, although it won't do any harm. Ask your oncologist.

    Do note I'm not a clinician, so bounce these thoughts off your clinicians before changing any medications.

  • Thank you Robina, and all the best to yourself and your husband. 

  • Thank you Andy62.

  • Thank you for that information Andy. We are expecting a call from the nurse specialist a week after the bone scan. That would probably be a good time to ask that question.


  • I am also taking Tamsulosin and Finasteride while on adt.  One  thing I learned, when I was told I have prostrate cancer, is that Finastride lowers psa. My psa at the time of diagnosis was 6.1 but the oncologist said it is really 12.  They normally double the psa value if you are on Finastride.  If I knew that before started taking it I would not have started taking the drug.

  • Yes, you have to double your PSA readings for assessing prostate cancer risk if you are on Finasteride or Dutasteride, although that's not a reason not to use them.

    I don't think this will apply if you're on ADT, as I previously mentioned I don't think that Finasteride or Dutasteride are going to be doing anything if you're on ADT.

  • I think you may be confusing the use or need for Tamsulosin for something else. I’d suggest checking what it does - why we need it. 

  • malnik, what do you think is wrong with what I said? Maybe double check whose question I was answering.

  • I was actually prescribed Tamsulosin and Prostap at the same time by the urologist that gave me my diagnosis and referred me to the oncologist so I assume there is no problem with having both at the same time. That was November 2018 now finished 3 years of prostap but still  Tamsulosin. 

    Good luck with any future treatment. Regards Reg