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Hi, my husband had all scans done and Biopsy.....we know at the moment he has stage 3 cancer ....CT scan been done and hospital got results back on Monday. I was told MDT meet Wednesday and Thursday. I asked this morning what happened at the meeting,is chemotherapy going to start ,I was told that the meeting is next week. I feel like it's another week passing by and another. His birthday is in march and I can't plan anything for him ....Have you been in the same position?

  • Hi, my husband has metastisised(bones) prostate cancer. Had one Prostap injection so far. His first MDT meeting on Tuesday. Intrigued & fearful of this. Still awaiting biopsy results.Its just the uncertainty/unknown I find hardest


  • Yes it is .....I'm trying to keep as normal as I can but I'm struggling with it and want to scream 

  • I find the tension builds up and up until I feel a physical pain in my chest! It feels as if I am going to burst! Then the tears start and I can't stop them!  We all react different but I'm sure the occasional scream won't hurt anybody!!! :)Take care of yourself and I hope you will find things easier soon. x