
  • 17 replies
  • 148 subscribers

Hi guys

My hubby had a call back from the oncology doctor yesterday and was told he will need chemo as the prostate cancer is growing more in his bones

His previous Doctor said last month that they would try a leutinising hormone tablet along with his Hormone injection as this was ‘ gold standard. I can’t understand why they have suddenly changed treatment 

When I asked Dr yesterday he said “ oh if you want to try the lutenising hormone for 3 months  that’s fine , I’ll write prescription to GP.

I honestly don’t know what we are meant to do , one saying Chemo and when challenged saying yes the LH is ok to try and see how you get on?? 

Im also wondering if he should be on Prednisone for his pain 

Sorry , I’m offloading on here but I don’t know which way to turn

Thanks guys x

  • Hi

    Did you ask the consultant who wanted to go down chemo route why he is now OK with the LH route? I can't comment on either but just wondered.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Mistymoon, I’m not a prostate cancer specialist so can’t comment on what the doctors have said. However others have said that you can talk to prostate cancer specialist nurses via, I think, this web site or another? Perhaps they will provide more detail for you?  That said, the hospital we use has a prostate cancer specialist nurse team and they have been far better than the doctors at answering our questions and explaining everything. Does your hospital have such a team you can call on?  We have come across a slightly different scenario when two different professionals have talked about two different treatment pathways and we have the decision to make. It’s very confusing because all we want is for a magic wand to wave it all away and that’s the one thing not on offer. I have spent hours googling but not sure that it’s done me any good and probably more harm!

  • Hi Worriedwife

    Yes, I’ve done my fair share of googling whilst crying my eyes out . 
    We have been together 8 years and only married in October ! 
    It is just so confusing to be told one thing and when you challenge it to be told ‘ yes, that sounds a plan ! 

    I might have a health degree but I’m not a doctor

    I guess in truth I so scared of losing my good man that I want to shout and scream for a consultant to give me faith that they will help him and keep him out of pain as he’s in such pain at the moment. 

    I know there’s no cure but they told us it’s treatable and we have gone along with treatment but now things have escalated and I’m scared

    Thank you for being there Worried wife

    im here for you too Heart

  • I explained what his colleague had said last month about LH he just said yes , I can write a prescription to your GP and we can see how your husband is after for three months 

    Thanks for replying x

  • Thank you, Mistymoon.  

    Oh, I know exactly what you mean about being scared about ‘ losing my good man’! That’s what scares me silly and what makes my cry the most!  I also hate seeing him  struggle because that makes me hurt too. My tears seem to come in bouts. I’ll have a week when I can’t stop them ( having such a week now) and then other weeks when I feel reasonably sane.!

    out of interest, what is your health degree? I still work (a little) in the health arena.  

    I am compelled to research as much as possible because that makes me feel as if I have some control of a situation which is really beyond my control! ( if that makes sense!)

    let us know how things go for you both! x

  • Hi Mistymoon - So sorry to read about your issues - that's not very professional at all from the oncology team. Just a thought, and it's only me thinking (cue for some comments from other posters) is it worth getting onto the PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) at your hospital and ask them to get you some clarification.

    As Worriedwife said, keep us posted and if you want a rant here's the place to do it - we've all been there at some point during our journey and I feel for you now.

    Take care and best wishes to both of you - Brian.

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  • Hi again Worried wife

    I have a Bsc(hons) degree in Health studies. I did immunology, as part of my degree but when it’s so close to home my brain goes out of the window

    I can’t begin to think of my good man not being in my life. 
    Like you, I have good days and not so good

    Im ringing consultant in the morning as this not knowing which is best for hubby is a little like a roulette wheel and we don’t want to choose the wrong one! 

    Sweet dreams x

  • Hi Millibob 

    Thank you so much for replying and that’s a good call ! 

    Im going to see if I can speak to consultant tomorrow to make sure we have the correct information. 

    Thank you for caring lovely Heart

  • You are most welcome - we are all on this journey together and must stick together - be strong and be there for one another in times of need.

    You take care - remember, there's always someone here -- xx

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Mistymoon, I hope you get the information and guidance you need today!  I know what you mean about your own knowledge feeling worthless once your emotions and your loved ones are involved!  I hope you managed to get some sleep overnight! It’s been in short supply for me!