Just been diagnosed

  • 13 replies
  • 149 subscribers

My hubby is 59 and just diagnosed a week ago with prostrate cancer his result was 2023 with his bloods. Sorry I don’t know all the terminology yet   He was seen the next day. Had biopsies, 2 hormone injections and antibiotics to take. He had such a sore back and this is how we eventually found out his diagnosis. I am taking him tomorrow for a scan to see if it has spread. We are terrified! We have not told our relatives yet and don’t know how to tell them especially our sons who are older 33 and 29. There was talk that he would not get surgery as too far along and may have went to his back as he is in a lot of pain. They will discuss his case this week and he may get chemo. Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.  

  • MrsC

    Relax, they’ve caught it and the nhs oncologists are marvellous. There are lots of different treatments and ways of easing the situation. I’ve had PCa for 6 years, now in my bones but still hopeful and positive. Don’t hide away from the world. Sending you both my very best wishes. Good luck, neil

  • ZFMAP thank you so much for your quick reply. We are so worried. You have given me hope thank you so much 

  • Hi

    Until he has had all the scans, tests etc there isn't anything concrete you can tell your sons. Hold off until you are sure of his diagnosis and what plans the hospital have going forward.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • I’ve just replied to you in another thread but will reply here for good measure! Just really to say that I hope the scan goes well, that the treatment that they have already started does its job and that you are not alone in all this. There’s plenty of us wives posting here who are struggling to get their heads around what’s happening to our menfolk! Thinking of you!

  • Hi Mrs C. 

    Wow what excellent fast treatment you are having and I'm so impressed that your husband has Hormone treatment instantly. This will bring the cancer under control almost immediately and will start to shrink it back ready for the treatment plan. My partner is also in his 50's with a high PSA. if you tap on my name it will take you through to his treatment so far. It may be of help.( I'm wondering if you have a typo on the PSA at all?) Like you I found the first week of diagnosis terrifying. I spent a while on Google and a day crying, my partner was stunned for a few weeks while taking it all in. Then I got proactive and researched as if I was taking a degree in Prostate cancer. I found this helped me to get control as I then realised there was a lot of excellent treatments available.  I was then  able to ask a lot of valid questions in the up and coming appointments and also support my partner better. Telling our children was my worse nightmare, especially as his diagnosis was around Christmas. They are 24 and 20. We made the decision to look normal and wait it out till we knew exactly what the diagnosis was, which for us was the right thing to do. I know if we had told them too early we wouldn't be able to answer any questions that they had and also I couldn't trust myself not to project the panic I was feeling. It took at least two months to understand my partners cancer and to get both children home at the same time. We armed ourselves with positive key words, "manageable" "controlled"  " a very treatable cancer" very common for men. After worrying so much and going through every scenario possible as to what their reaction would be, I was relieved and grateful that they took it so well. They both immediately consulted their phones asked a few questions and seemed to accept the situation. My daughter cried a bit and my son seemed a bit quiet. It was a relief to come clean. I know we played it down a bit and I wonder if that was the right thing to do, but we wanted them to have a chance to absorb the situation and then if there is more to worry about later they would be better adjusted and able to cope easier. The other thing that was interesting was that I realised our children will always be children to us and we tend to shelter them from anything unpleasant. But I found I was talking to two well adjusted adults, it was a moment of closeness and balance in the family dynamic. They have both been marvellous, helpful and brilliant support. Once they knew we told the rest of our family and friends, again we were able to talk about it calmly and with positivity and again it's a relief to talk to people that care about you. There's also lots of support here, don't hesitate to as questions as there will be someone that is either going through or has been through the same treatment as your husband, you are not alone. 


  • Thank you so much. I’m so glad I have you all to talk to and thanks for all The advice 

  • Yeh I think you are right we are waiting until the results of the CT scan which he had today. Thank you so much 

  • Sorry it has taken a while for me to answer. Hubby had a CT scan today and it really took a toll on him and he is very worried. Your life seems similar to us although our boys are a bit older.  Unfortunately the 2023 PSA  result is correct. We are now waiting for details from the scan what happens next.  He has such anxiety and I am thinking to call the doctor for something to help him with this. Does anyone have advice in this?  Thanks so much for your reply it is amazing to chat with others in this situation. Thanks to everyone. 

  • Thanks so much we will take this onboard we are all over the place at the moment. 

  • Hi, I'm sorry to ask about the PSA I thought it was a slip with the year. I do believe theres a few people on here that have had similar PSA's and are still going strong years later so don't panic just yet. It's totally understandable for your husband to be highly stressed and a call to the GP would be a good idea at this point. Just something that would allow him to get a good nights rest as I'm sure both of you are up all night hardly getting any sleep . You will be contacted by a support nurse and team if you haven't been already and they will be very helpful in these matters as you will be able to phone them for support and questions. If you have been given these contact numbers give them a ring, but also there must be something on this site where you can connect with a professional and get advice if needed.