My Test Results & offered treatments

  • 3 replies
  • 147 subscribers

28/11/2022 - Urology nurse telephoned me to explain my test results as follows.

Biopsies showed cancer cells in both sides of my prostate but contained within the prostate and not broken through the prostate wall.

Gleason score 4+3=7 and TNM score of T2, so a PC staging of "intermediate".

CT & Bone scans show no spread outside of the prostate.

Was offered a prostatectomy, either open or robotic.

Also offered hormone followed by radiotherapy treatment's.

Whilst the therapy treatments could start fairly quickly, I've decided to consider a prostatectomy even though I probably won't see a surgeon to discuss until early January 2023.

Now awaiting the MRI scan appointment which the nurse thought would be in a couple of weeks.

I think I'd read maybe here that if you opt for the therapy treatment's instead of surgery, then it's unlikely that you can have a prostatectomy later. 

If I have a prostatectomy first and it's successful initially but then the cancer flares up again, then therapies can be administered.

Please see my profile for more personal information.

I would be interested in what others on this forum think about my results and initial thoughts on what to do.

Great forum by the way, has been very helpful to me.

  • Hi Grampy

    Good news on the results, all fairly low and should be easily treatable.

    You are correct on your comments regards Surgery or RT first, If you have RT surgery very difficult afterwards, u would have to find someone who is a specialist in that area , ie, surgery after RT.. 

    Having said that I went for RT and so far cancer not returned after 5 years. 

    Suppose you could think that if all stats low then less likelihood cancer will return anyway.

    Time is on your side so if you want surgery then anytime in the New Year should be ok.

    Best wishes


  • Thanks Steve, I was hoping that you would respond as have seen your many helpful comments to others on this great forum.

    Yes it will be interesting to hear what the surgeon says after seeing my MRI scans. Thumbsup

  • Ok,  keep posting when u know more but all looks ok 
