Decision made

  • 6 replies
  • 149 subscribers
  • Hi. So after much deliberation my husband has decided against radiotherapy and will have Watchful Waiting.  He is youthful 80 who has had a very tough time over the last 4 years, major RTA with months of recovery, then tonsil cancer treated with gruelling radiotherapy which has left him with no some permanent effects.  He has a PSA of 15  MRI shows broken through capsule but no spread and bone scan clear (T3a  N0  M0). He was offered radiotherapy and biopsy  but feels at almost 81 and with no symptoms he prefers to take his chances. The Consultant agrees to 6 monthly PSA and if and when it reaches 40, hormone therapy.  It has  been rising by approx 4 a year over past 3 years.   We have discussed all this at length and although I don't like the thought of it being left, I do support his decision. Has anyone taken this course?  The Consultant said something else may get him before this does!  He just wants to enjoy whatever time is left, without hospital visits and medical intervention.
  • Not that I officially know in anyway, but thats the decision I would definitely make at 80, just have an amazing time together and like you say if the PSA goes up to anything alarming have HT. But ultimately it's your decision of course. All the best to you both.

  • Sorry to hear about your husband's health troubles. If it was me, I would have a biopsy done to aid in such a decision. 

  • Thanks for your helpful replies.  He says no point in a biopsy as it wouldn't alter his decision! I think influenced by the factca friend had a biopsy and was very unwell afterwards - sepsis and urine problems.

  • Hi heading to 88 years. PSA Nov.10th 4.4 from 255. on HT and next reading due Dec.

    have decided to cease treatment and monitor every three months see how things go.

    Side effects minimal to some I read .

  • Madaboutmutts,

    You've probably made the best decision at the moment, especially as your husband has been through the mill in the past few years.

    While your husband doesn't have any symptoms, as long as you are both happy with that decision.

    I'm just a bairn of 58, was T2, Intermediate risk, Gleason 3+4(7).  I was recommended Hormones and Radiotherapy, I took this option, now 18 months after diagnosis I am in Remission (that was harder to get used to than the original diagnosis).

    I still have a few mental health issues, don't know if this is directly from the Cancer or treatment.

    Counselling really helped, a monthly Prostate Cancer Support Group at my local Maggie's in Newcastle is great.

    Enough about me, please take care and if you change your mind, get in touch with your Husband's Oncologist.

    You are bound to find someone on this forum in a similar position.

    Steve (SteveCam)

    1. Thanks Steve. He didn't hesitate making his decision and we are now going everywhere and doing everything we want to until such time we can't.  Travel insuranc is tricky and expensive but we have done a cruise recently and plan another in the New Year.  Certainly no more travel further than Europe  due to difficulty getting cover.   Family are all supportive and think he has made the right decision for him. The Consultant was pretty pushy in recommending radiotherapy but said he could understand why he wouldn't consider it.