Advanced Serous Primary Peritoneal Cancer - Grade 3C

  • 19 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hello everyone

I’m Jane, aged 61 and was diagnosed with the above in August 2023.

I was hospitalised in July and had 9.5 lites of fluid drained from my abdomen.  

I’ve since had 3 rounds of chemo followed by debulking surgery (total hysterectomy, fibroids removed, omentum removed, bladder repair) and two more rounds of chemo, the final one (6th round) due on 22nd January (my birthday Weary).

I will have a scan 6 weeks later. CA125 level down from 351 to 15.

Decision now is whether to take parp inhibitors or not.

Looking for any information around this.

Thanking you in anticipation.

  • Apparently the only option is a very toxic chemo which would be very hard on my body and only helps 10 to 15% of patients. Because my cancers are in my lymph glands and came back within 3 months they don't think I should have it. I saw a different consultant on Friday and asked if I could try the Niraparib again to see if it will slow it down. I asked about the previous chemo but apparently after a while they become immune to the same one, so unless I can convince them in 3 months to try it again so options are zilch. They are now talking in months so basically make the most of the time I have left. I have a positive attitude so would love to prove them wrong. Sorry it is not a very positive post. Will be thinking of you and wishing you contin uing success with your treatment. xx

  • I feel for you… They like there to be a year before giving you chemo again because, as you say, if it is a shorter time it is unlikely to be effective. Unfortunately with this type of cancer, we are all going to run out of options. It is great that you have a positive attitude, l think this really helps. Wishing you heaps of luck x

  • Hi Elizabeth

    I’m sorry to hear things haven’t been going well for you.  Do keep pushing for options.  New treatments seem to be coming out all the time. Good luck.  J.xx

  • I phoned my surgeon’s secretary and explained the urgency for my results and after looking through my file she said she could see no results. She said she would have to speak to some colleagues and phone me back. This was on the Wednesday. Not having heard anything I phoned  again on the Monday and she said she would chase it up again. On the Thursday morning I had a phone call to say the BRCA2 tests were negative. Huge relief, talk about the 11th hour. In the afternoon the MacM nurse phoned to say she was pleased to tell me she had the result and it was negative. I didn’t tell her I already knew or that I already knew because I had chased it up myself. The MacM nurse must have wondered why I didn’t really respond to her news but I just felt she probably wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t gone ahead myself. Now on 3 monthly checkups, first at the end of March by telephone. I have only just read your profile and am in awe of you. I hope your treatment gives you what you want.

  • Hope you had satisfactory results. I got my results for the BRCA2 after intervening. See my reply to Onk.

  • Hi. Fantastic news your results were negative. So sorry you had to wait so long to get the news. hope you keep well and whatever the problem is clears up soon. x

  • Hi Jebb ( hope you don't mind me shortening it).  i will continue to ask questions,  I was told it's six months before you can have regular chemo so maybe by then there may be something they can do. How are you doing now, any updates?

    Stay strong, sending hugs. Kissing

  • Hello Elizabeth

    I will keep everything crossed for you,

    I’ve finished my treatment & scan shows no visible signs of cancer which is great news.

    i have to decide now whether to take the parp inhibitors which come with their own problems. Don’t feel I have enough information yet so need to try to find out more before I go back next Friday,

    Thinking of you.  J.xTwo heartsx

  • I intervened and after 2 phone calls got my results with a day to spare! The BRCA2 results were negative so no further treatment but 3 monthly checkups. Hope you have had good results when you saw the consultant. Do let me know how you get on and whether or not you are going down the parp inhibitors line. Nest wishes. lots of hugs.