
  • 6 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone.  I just joined this forum and looking at some of the posts I wish I'd done so sooner as there is some very helpful and supportive stuff here. I had a Whipple procedure in August last year (2023) followed by 9 sessions of Folfirinox and have a couple of questions. 1) I'm still suffering abdominal pain which is just about made tolerable with a combination of Oramorph and Paracetamol but seems to be getting worse instead of better, and 2) similarly the fatigue, which is really debilitating,  is getting more frequent. Just wondering what experience others have and how long these are likely to last. I know we're all different but still would be good to know. Thanks.

  • My bro after his Whipple took good 3 months to feel reasonable. He returned home still with a drain. His tummy was so sore. Digestion all to pot. The scar alone very uncomfortable. He had dreadful trapped wind too. You've done great to get on with your sessions of folfir. My bros tummy improved with Creon. 5 per x meal of 25000 tablet..He was fatigued half a day, and begun walking around house,  then outside the street until finally around the  block slowly gaining his strength. It's got to take time. I'm sure you will soon have another scan that will put your mind more at rest on your hopeful process. Keep gong. 

  • Hi Skippy - thanks for replying, I guess everyone else on here already knows this but it really is good to know that you're not alone on this difficult journey. Hope your bro continues to improve, I'm probably just being way too impatient. Had another scan yesterday so everything's crossed for the results. Thanks again buddy.

  • Hello,

    Just wondering how you got on with Folfirinox? Did you lose your hair?

    Thank you 

  • Hi - no I didn't lose my hair, not completely. It got thinner but not really noticeable and since the treatment finished it has started to grow back. I can't lie, the Folfirinox is tough but the doctors do everything they can to minimise the side effects. After I'd done 9 sessions my consultant advised me to stop and I'm sure that was the right advice. If you're about to start I hope it all works out for you.

  • Thanks for the reply. I am to get 4 rounds of Folfirinox and dreading it. I have had chemo before it was Oxiplatin and that was tricky.

    Also getting a Picc line, which I am anxious about.

  • The pic line should be fine.If you’re having the Folfirinox fortnightly, you just need to make sure that the pic is flushed and the dressing cleansed weekly.You’ll be given a sleeve to wear in the bath or shower.It will make life easier for you.My husband’s hair got a little thinner, but grew back. He didn’t have many side effects apart from fatigue and some nausea.But it does depend on your starting condition. But know that you will always have support on the site.Best wishes.