Wife has just had her first treatment and is suffering badly with sickness and an upset stomach

  • 3 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Afternoon.  My wife was diagnosed with PC and has just started her first cycle of Chemo.  7 days in and she is suffering badly with sickness and the runs  Has anyone else had this and what can I do to help?

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read how much your wife is suffering after having chemo.

    Although I'm not a member of this forum I have had chemo and was always told to contact the chemo unit if I had any bad side effects. Your wife should have the contact number which is available 24 hours a day. The best thing you can do to help her would be to get her to contact the unit and tell them about her side effects. If she's too poorly to call them then it will be fine for you to do this on her behalf.

    I hope the side effects get under control soon

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  • Thank you much appreciated 

  • Hi Spartan6uk,

    so sorry to hear your wife is struggling with chemo side effects.

    I have recently been looking after my Dad who has inoperable PC and was having palliative chemo. First 8 days he was fine and then a torrent of vomiting and severe diarrhoea, this went on for 2 days to the point couldn’t hold down water. I rang the unit and he was bought into hospital and given intravenous meds and fluid and more anti sickness, made him feel a lot better.

    other tips that may help, protein drinks and high protein soup blended and thinned out just to get some calories if your wife can tolerate it. Also as horrible as it feels, pull up incontinence pants are a great help during this time, we also had bin bags and wipes in the bathroom to help.

    sadly my Dad couldn’t tolerate the chemo as made him so unwell. Sending you best wishes