Pancreatic diagnosis returned - worried waiting for scan results

  • 4 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi Im 46 mother of 5 and have had my diagnosis of pancreatic cancer since December 2020.  I have had chemotherapy then I had the whipple procedure in November 21.  All was well but my cancer has since came back. So I have had more chemotherapy and radio.  I’m now waiting on results of latest scan. I hate the waiting it plays  with your head so much.  

found this forum hopefully it helps with the loneliness cancer brings.  

  • Hi lobella so sorry to hear it has returned.  Waiting is the worst thing, it plays with your head.  Have you asked the hospital if their are any support groups in your area, they have helped me deal with the loneliness and give me tools to help with positive thinking,  I try to engage with a couple of groups it really helps to know your not going through this alone.

  • Im a mother and a grandmother and trust me Im feeling your anxiety and I know how hard the waiting for results is.My husband is awaiting results . As a mother myself I understand your anxiety and trust me even in those moments when you feel so alone you are not.

  • Hi Jenster

    Where I live there isn’t any support groups for pancreatic cancer the closest is 50 miles away so not really easy to get to.  Waiting is horrible. 

  • Hi Minnessa

    thank you for your kind reply.  I have a good network of family and friends so I know I can talk to them

    I hope your husband doesn’t have to wait long.