Just diagnosed

  • 2 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi I’ve just been diagnosed. Having a stent put in to alleviate the jaundice. This has gone on a long time and and is really getting me down with the constant tummy discomfort. Chemo probably in a week or two. This is my 2nd time around after breast cancer when I was 40  can’t believe I’ve got to go through it all again. Biggest worry is my 16yr old doing GCSEs. We’re waiting till the exams finish in a couple of week before we tell him. anyone got advice on telling their teen? 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    It sounds like you've had a long and difficult time and I fully appreciate your sentiments about having to go through it all again. I was diagnosed with melanoma nearly 8 years ago now and, just as I was getting to 5 years all clear, got diagnosed with breast cancer.

    I haven't had to tell a teenager that I have cancer but Macmillan have this really helpful information on talking to children and teenagers which you might find useful to look through.

    Sending supportive ((hugs))

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  • Thank you and I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Best of luck with your treatment moving forward.