
  • 5 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi I'm new. Had the Whipple procedure on 28.2

24, with vein resection and bowel reconstruction. 

I'm finally just about coming to terms with it all.

Had my port fitted, should start chemo this week PrayFingers crossed

  • Hi Winginit

    Welcome to the Online Community and the Pancreatic group.

    I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis of cancer. 

    I hope that you are recovering ok from your Whipple procedure and that you are not in to much discomfort. 

    I went through chemo for my own cancer (endometrial) and although it can be tough at times it was doable. If you do get side effects then speak to your team as I found that most side effects can be helped with medication. And lots of rest.

    Hopefully someone who has had a similar surgery to you will now see your post and offer support.

    In the meantime, if there is anything else you need, then please do ask.

    It can be hard to come to terms with a diagnosis of cancer and to go through the treatments so if at any point you feel that talking things through would help, then please do give the Support Line a call.

    I wish you well with your recovery from the surgery and for the chemotherapy.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane

    Thank you so much for your reply. You sound in good spirits and I am pleased your chemo was doable. I'll find out next week now how I will react to it. It gives me another week of trying to put more weight on!

    Take care x

  • Hi there

    My husband had the Whipple procedure on 25.3.24 with portal vein “patching” and removal of an unexpected “ Oma” from his stomach….

    We have his pre-chemo assessment this Friday and he starts GemCap on 21st.

    It’s been a real rollercoaster - with the fatigue, sickness and pain gradually wearing off but it’s difficult trying to keep weight on him - even with the Creon. Our freezer looks like a Ben and Jerry’s outlet at the moment! 

    I hope your chemo goes well. Keep your chin up and just take each day as it comes - and most importantly Keep taking the tablets! x ( there are so many to remember!!)

    BlushFingers crossedFour leaf clover

  • Hi Jaxupnorth

    Thank you for your reply. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis.  I can relate to your roller coaster ride! I sometimes think I'm still in shock. 

    I am terrible at remembering all of the tablets! I have 2 teenage boys so I'm still trying to run our home and the mental load is enormous. I'm just so lucky to be off work so I don't need to worry about all of that too!

    I wish your husband a smoother ride. Best wishes to you both x

  • Hi again

    i know what you mean about the shock and mental load - it can feel overwhelming at times - especially if you’re tired- or if too much “ googling” information has gone on and drained your spirits.

    Best wishes to you too and hope your boys help to keep you cheerful - not drive you nuts like teenagers often do! Blush xx