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  • 42 subscribers

2days ago , having had 18 months clear , the cancer has returned . I’m devastated , scared , angry . I start chemo next week but I don’t know how I’m going to cope and be positive with what ever time I have left ! Apologies , this is very new and I’m trying.to find some positive to it . My family and friends and especially my husband are trying to cope too . 
is this all too negative for this forum ? 

  • Hi ..No nothing is to negative for this forum, its were people like you and others can say it as it is. I know what its like when we were cleared and now we are back on the roller coaster its devastating. You probably know that once you have a treatment plan things don't seem quite so bad, but at the moment you can't seem to think straight and i felt the same as you do know. You will find the strength just like you did before, you just need time for it all to sink in. Its not easy being positive all the time just take each day as it comes and don't forget to breath. I wish you all the best in your treatment plan Dawn x 

  • Thank you . It’s very lonely despite one being lovely . 

  • That should have read … despite everyone being lovely