
  • 4 replies
  • 41 subscribers

I’m almost 4 years into my recovery and my ‘new normal’ is anything but normal! 

  • Wow 4 years into your recovery… that’s a great achievement but I can see that the new normal isn’t life as it used to be. I hope it keeps getting easier for you. 

  • Hiw do uou feel are you feeling sick and weak? I am it's been a year and half for me but I'm not like I used to be 

  • Hi there, I’m sorry to hear you feel bad, but I do remember feeling the same way. Although I’m in a better place now, there are still days that my body reminds me it will never be the same as it was. The best advice I got was to keep moving, which help everything inside move. But also seek help from your surgery regarding this. Support will help you get through it and I can say that you will feel better eventually, if not quite the same as you were before