Worried about my husband

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Hi all,

My Father in law was on a holiday in Spain as he often does Dec-March. He ended up in the local hospital with stomach pains, turns out he had a stomach bleed. He then had surgery to remove a tumour from his Pancreas and whilst doing this it came to light his spleen was split so they removed that. 
he was able to fly home when the results for the tumour came in as aggressive. He has just recently seen a consultant whom explained that his records show he has a heart condition, so has requested a scan. As this will have an impact of what chemo he can have. He was told he has either 6-18 months or possibly 5 years. The bizarre thing is, the consultant has asked him to request the Spanish hospital to send the specimen to them (not sure how on earth we are meant to have this shipped to England). Anyway, my husband is just not coping at all with all of this as his dad is he best friend, it’s like he is grieving yet his father is still here. 

  • Hi, I've just been diagnosed and really know nothing about my future yet. My Dad also died of pancreatic cancer. Grief comes in all guises. I grieved for my Dad before he died, I grieved because I knew he must be so scared and because it meant he wasn't going to be around any more. It's very hard to accept yet you have to put on a brave face because you have to support the person affected. It's tiring. I really didn't grieve much after his death. Now I'm grieving for myself and all the things I'll miss out on. All of this is probably going through your husbands mind.

    It must be hard for you as well, I would just say support your husband in whatever way you can and look after yourselves x