Diagnosed today

  • 2 replies
  • 45 subscribers


I've been officially told by my GP today that I have pancreatic cancer. I've had none of the symptoms associated with it, just a pain in my lower pelvis that they've been investigating. My Dad had it and it was all very quick with him, he was 65. I'm only 47. I was also found to have a bowl polyp that is cancerous and a scan has shown tiny nodes on my lung. I don't know what treatment I'll get, I've only just been referred to the hospital. I'm just really scared.

  • Hi MeggyMoo and welcome to the forum. I am so very sorry to hear about all that is happening for you and such a lot of information for you to try and process at one time. You will be a in a state of shock and disbelief and little wonder. Its  difficult for any of us to tell you what you might like to hear with any certainty and none of us know until you get seen and have some tests done. The only thing I do know is that this forum will be here for you as and when you need it and we are thinking of you and sending our very best wishes your way for now. 


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  • Thank you for replying Gail. It's the not knowing that makes it so hard. I have support around me but no one will ever know how it feels except those in the same boat. I hope I do find those people here.
