Last 2 months have been a blur.

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Hi all my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic cancer in March which had spread to her stomach and liver. My beautiful wife turned 50 just before Xmas She had been suffering with back pain, sickness, fatigue for a while. After seeing the GP who sent her for blood tests based on the results my wife was admitted to hospital for tests,  3 days later we were told she had cancer which was inoperable. Chemo has started with the aim to prolong life and hopefully slow down or reduce her cancer. Palliative care has been offered to help with controlling pain etc. Not sure how others felt but when palliative care was mentioned   I panicked until the nurses explained about palliative care and what it was. The past couple of months have been difficult to process the start of the year we went abroad which involved loads of walking and now walking to the end of the garden is exhausting. 
Good luck everyone x

  • I'm sorry to hear of your wife. I was carer for my brother and went to live with him when his diagnosis was given. I can just say we spent days together and didn't look beyond the day at a time. Spending time out driving around old familiar  places of our growing up years. It was good to get out of the house and even often just in his pyjamas, we just took off enjoying the surrounds of the countryside. I know how it is to support someone through this, as do most readers on this site. You need support too and I hope you have some one to help you both.