Just saying hi!

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I recently fell ill with a blocked bile duct and had an endoscopy to relieve the immediate symptoms. Subsequent tests and scans revealed the cause of the blockage is a tumour at the top of my pancreas making me a good candidate for a Whipple procedure.

I'm 58 with no other medical issues apart from the odd mechanical failure that comes with age. The surgeon's seem to think the tumour is well isolated and therefore it should be a relatively straight forward op.

My surgical assessment is at the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham this Friday and I'm provisionally booked in on the 6th April for the surgery. I understand there's likely to be a bout of chemo a few weeks after that to "mop up".

Anyway, I just thought I'd introduce myself & I'm hoping to get advice on diet, exercise etc that might help my recovery in the coming weeks/months. I've no idea what to expect as I'm too busy enjoying a jaundice free existence!

  • Hello Gazzy64

    It sounds good that you are a candidate for the Whipple and that surgery is planned so soon. I hope all goes well. My husband had a Whipple. You will be a somewhat debilitated for the first few days likely in the HDU. Recovery overall is about eight to ten weeks. Some people don't need chemo if the area round the tumour is clear.

    Good luck.


  • My brother aged 74 was a retired legal and very fond of ballroom dancing with classes 3 -4 times per week so on his diagnosis (only by a blood test) he was fit and agile for his age with no pc symptoms. He was suitable for the Whipple. He coped with the 9 hr surgery. He never complained of pain and his digestive system was a 'bit slow' for a while, so he had tube food packs for a week in hospital. He was released after 5 weeks and soon strong enough to return to his dance classes again. Be positive. Creon tablets with every meal assisted in the digestion issues. Lots of burping etc. He took 3-4 each meal. He maintained his appetite..

    Good luck and swift healing. 

  • Thanks Squeaky, it's useful to hear the real life experience of people who've been through the process. I've been planning on 6-8 weeks recovery so I'll adjust that out a bit. (Self employed hence the obsession!)

  • That's an encouraging result. I've yet to find the emotional strength to read up on the details of the procedure so hadn't even realised it was a full days surgery! I wonder if they stop for a lunch break? Anyway, I'm sure the hospital will fill me in it all tomorrow.
    I've been lucky not to have had any pain, just the crappy effects of jaundice which has almost cleared up now. Thanks for the infoThumbsup

  • That’s fantastic news. What was the situation when it was found contained to the Pancreas, no spread and was it wrapped around an artery? So pleased for you! 

  • I had a call earlier and apparently the surgical team are meeting today to review their current cases. I've previously been told the tumour is isolated & away from any blood vessels but the team have to review it & confirm they're happy to go ahead as planned.
    Assuming I get the green light I'm in surgical assessment tomorrow. I've then got an MRI on Saturday to check my liver is clear. To be honest I'm a massive bag of nerves at the moment & struggling to take my mind off it.

  • It's great news these professional /experts are jumping into action. Keep your faith .Think positive thoughts. 

  • Great advice Skippy G, thanks.. The first hurdle has been overcome so all the assessments are going ahead as planned tomorrow. I think that's the first time I've had some positive news during this whole thing so fingers crossed for the MRI..

  • Yes, surgery is around 7 - 9 hours and they don't stop but there is likely to be more than one surgeon involved. I hope all goes well.

  • My bro's was booked when two of the best surgeons were available together. It's great to hear of your progress towards the op. My bro coped very well. Look forward to hearing of your recovery.