Husband 44 years old just diagnosed

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  • 49 subscribers

Hello everyone. We are waiting for his next appointment/consultation following a CT scan. We have been crying non stop for first couple of days however we have busied ourselves with the boys and work which has been a welcome distraction. We have only told work and two close friends and they have been so supportive. We have not told our sons or immediate family as we feel it will be best after his next appointment as we will know for definite what we are dealing with. It has been comforting reading the posts on here and put us in a positive mindset. My mantra at the moment is prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Will keep you all posted as we start this journey x

  • Stay strong, you will get through 

  • Hi northern spouse, 

    i think that’s all you can really do is try to keep busy until you get the results, Though it’s hard because you have to carry on as normal around family and friends. 
    Can I ask how old your boys are? 
    My hubby has PC and was 47 when we found out last September , our children are 12,14, 18. Which our daughter just been at uni for 3 weeks and miles away in Lincoln, we are in Surrey. 
     Love your mantra, this has defiantly been my mantra too…  we have put all our affairs into order now which was abit tough going. 
    Sending hugs to you both, 


  • Hi Chrissie returning hugs to you all too. My boys are 13 and 11. Currently spending the night in hospital with 11 yr old who broke his arm at a football match today. Waiting for operation tomorrow. Totally normal stuff xxx

  • Gosh the Mummy duties don’t stop for anything even cancer.

    I agree with not telling too many till you have the full facts, that is what we did also. It would have been hard telling the kids and not being able to answer their questions. Kids are so resilient… Glad  to hear you have support. I’m sure in the next few months they will help you out where needed. 

    Here if you want a chat or a rant.



  • Hello, I'm sorry you're going through this- the unpredictability is all encompasing. Its tricky juggling everyday responsibilities, but at least it can keep you busy and not pondering too much. 

    I do hope you get some news soon, often the waiting for info is the worst. Keep us posted, here to help and listen  xx

  • Husband got his appointment next Tuesday and it’s a relief we don’t have to wait any longer. He is struggling to eat and losing a lot of weight. GP won’t prescribe him Creon and said it’s only a few days to go to see the consultant. He feels better having Huel drinks and avoiding fatty foods. Staying positive and will keep you all posted x 

  • Hey, that’s good news that you have your apt. Then you can make a plan. I’m sure once he takes the creon it will make a difference.  It did take a few weeks for my hubby to settle down and get used to taking them before food and milky drink. 5 months in its like second nature to him. It really has made a difference. 
    Sending hugs and let us know how you I think get on. X


  • Hello all. Husband has cancer in main body of his pancreas and it has spread to his liver so metastatic/stage 4/inoperable. Got EUS/biopsy on Thursday and then oncologist to discuss treatment options. We can now tell, plan and put things into place. He got his Creon and pain management meds - so far so good. Physically he is well and we can get the ‘bucket list’ started! Xxx

  • Hi, not the news you wanted- but news nevertheless and it is clarifying, rather than the awful waiting.

    I really hope the Creon helps with comfort and digestion, and the pain meds bring some relief. Did they go through treatment options and give you some sort of plan to work with?

    So much to take in and come to terms with, but a plan of sorts and some direction is useful.

    Take care x

  • Hi Northern spouse, I was diagnosed with stage for Colorectal Cancer in July 2021, it was all very sudden a real shock, I was a fit 49 year old I'd never really been ill. I was given 6mths to 2 years. I'm still here and feeling stronger and more positive all the time. It's incredibly tough at the beginning, but it does get easier.You keep fighting this and stay positive.Wishing you and your hubbie all the best.