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My husband of nearly 40 years wedded bliss has just been diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer. He is 20 years older than me I’m 60. we were originally told that he could only have palliative care, but because he is so fit and looks well they have decided to offer him chemo. I feel our life is falling apart. 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    A cancer diagnosis is a very hard thing to deal with but that's great news that your husband's hospital team have decided to offer him chemo.

    As you know, the online community is divided up into different support groups so another group which you might want to consider joining is the carers only group which is a safe and supportive place to discuss your worries and emotions with others who have a loved one living with cancer.

    If this is something that you'd like to do, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there where you can then join and start a new post in the same way as you did here. You can also join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your husband's diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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  • Hi Supertrooper, a warm welcome. 

    It’s such devastating news Isn’t it? Have you got someone to talk to or discuss your worries. My husband got his diagnoses in late September and I think I have only just got my head around it.I’ve defiantly had Some very low days as my husbands is inoperable at the moment.  Have you been allocated a CNS nurse to discuss your husbands treatment? A discussion about creon would be good if you haven’t discussed this medication. I have found this medication to help my husband with his eating which helps with keeping up his strength for the rounds of chemo. 
    it’s very important to look after yourself Too. 

  • It doesn’t get much worse does it? We found out approx a month ago. Just had a wonderful holiday in Australia with family for six weeks then came back to this. My husbands is inoperable too, so just palliative chemo going forward. Yes been allocated a CNS nurse, yes I have ti say since he started the creon his stomach pain has improved a bit, obviously not having to work so hard, although his appetite is not so great. I’m trying to look after myself but it’s making me not want to eat much. How are you doing? Has your husband deteriorated since September? Xx

  • I would actually say he has improved, He is eating two meals a day and snacking in between which he wasn’t when we found out. The pains in his stomach were horrid. He has lost weight due to the chemo but we are trying to find a balance where he loses during chemo then put some on in the 10 days his off chemo. Which after 5 months we have only just worked out and his now maintaining.  He can now lay flat and on his stomach which he couldn’t before. His walking has deteriorated but we have just started to work on trying to Build it up and he uses a wheelchair when he gets tried. His just turnt 48 so we felt very cheated when we found out. I’m doing ok but I’ve taken 6 weeks off work as I was just not present at work. But I’m going back Tomorrow. I am looking forward to going back but feel like it’s cheating me out of spending the time I have left with him, and as we don’t know how much there is it’s very scary. So for now we take each day as it comes the good and the bad and make as many memories as possible. That’s all I feel we can do, as we do this cancer journey. 

  • My husbands situation is slightly different in that he has stomach ache for a while then went for tests and found out, so so far it’s not got started really symptom wise. He’s the same as he was 6 months ago, maybe lost a bit of weight but that was  w side we first found out he was diabetic, but then after the s and etc we found that this was the problem, so whether he is diabetic who knows. 
    Interesting to read your story so far, the balance in between chemo. What has caused the walking situation, the chemo? At 48 that is horrendous, my hubby is a young 80, no age is ok. Yes you will miss him, but it will probably do you good getting out the house. Is he still able to look after himself toilet wise etc? 
    where do you live in the country? Xx