Husband now having back pain

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Over the last few days my husband has been having back pain and can’t get comfortable at night, I had to make him two hot water bottles last night and he had two paracetamol and eventually went to sleep, he still won’t talk about anything, I’m not sure whether to phone the oncology nurses and let them know, he has his second chemotherapy on Friday but he’s constantly tired and falling asleep, I’m not sure if it’s the chemo or the cancer is spreading, I just feel alone and helpless, I don’t know if back pain is the next stage of pancreatic cancer, he’s still eating and has an appetite although not able to eat very much, there doesn’t seem to be much help for him at the moment and I’m not sure when Macmillan nurses will be involved 

  • Hi Gina Girl, 

    I hope your doing ok… it’s hard isn’t it watching go through this. Do you have any support? 
    I thought I would explain a little about my husband in the hope that something might help.

    My Husband was diagnosed in September with PC, his having his 6 round of chemo on Thursday.

    I asked what my husbands CA-19 was doing!!! you see what your husbands cancer count is doing. My husband started at 1900 and is now down to 90…. That gave me some hope that it’s going in the right direction. 

    PC is quit well documented for back pain, but it does not mean is has spread. From my experience my husbands pc had not spread and he had quite bad back/hip and rib pain, It’s mostly now disappeared as well as the pain in his tummy, just gets little niggles in his tummy now. I would let the team know when you speak to them. Are you having weekly/fortnightly calls with the registrars before the chemo if you are I would discuss it then with his doctor. 
    With regards to the sleeping my husband was defiantly tired up till about round 4 of chemo and he was also on 5ml of morphine every 3 hours and on long release of of morphine throughout the night to help with the breakthrough of pain which was making hun tired. 
    how is your partners pain? Is he sleeping right through?
     My husband was started on Cocodamol which did not help and just made him constipated which made his symtoms 100% worse. 
    The morphine really has helped as well as the Creon, getting the right amount of creon as taken a while but feel his in the correct doseage now. 
    i also brought my husband a head pad and a extra thick bed topper to help cushion the bed as he has lost 20kgs. He is now maintaining his weight with the help of creon. Most people like grazing but my husband prefers 3 meals a day.

    Breakfast 3 peices of small fruit toast with a coffee and 2 chocolate biscuits. 
    lunch a small pie or a sandwich( bacon or egg)dinner 

    dinner Chicken with rice, spaghetti Bol,or anything with mash potato( he loves the stuff)

    dinners are more like child portions but they are helping to maintain the weight. And he is grazing in between like things like Chocolate Bueno or oreo’s. He has a thing for Nutella at the moment which I’m thankful for as it’s high calories.  

    Always here if you fancy a chat as I’m look quite often at my emails.

    take care
