
  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi All

I am currently waiting for a diagnosis and I am not coping very well. Lost is the word that springs to mind. Thought I would join in case I need support in the coming weeks.

  • Hello Camper Lady

    Waiting is always difficult. I'm sure we will offer help when you need it.


  • Thanks Squeaky. My head is spinning with what ifs. I have not told family yet (husband & son know) as I don’t want to worry them yet. 

  • Heya Camper Lady. 

    I know it's horrible with being in limbo.  It's ok to be scared, to feel lost. It's ok to cry. This is a lot to face and your mind will scrabble about in circles looking for answers that just aren't there yet.  

    What I did was write my fears frustrations and feelings down. It was a way to let them out without worrying anyone. I can scream rage swear cry at my laptop - it doesn't have feelings and it won't judge me. I don't write for anyone else to read, it's just for me. 

    I hope you get your diagnosis soon so you can set your mind at rest. Fingers crossed for you Fingers crossed

  • Thanks Susanne. That makes sense & something I will try. I have managed some sleep since finding out test results so I feel a bit more in control of my emotions now. I’m hoping I can support others on here at some point