Pancreatic cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hello to everyone in thus group.

I hope what I contribute will be of help or comfort & support but might immediately seem so.

My Wife was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer in May 2020 just a?while?After lock down and ad you can imagine presented many issues & really tuned life upside down

Despite the chemo sessions & complications?she took the cancer head on & did ad much ad?she could for a long period of time. If it hadn't been for COVID, yes we could have gone out & about like we did before.

Sadly I lost her towards the end of April this year but, as you have already no doubt noted, she took the cancer on for nearly 2 years & possibly had it quite a while before diagnosis

This was due to a positive approach by carrying on her passions such as cooking, cake baking & gardening together to name but a few.

Why am I saying this? The hospital only gave her a few months vut she blasted past these time lines ad mentioned.

Whilst I don't have the answers I hope our experiences will in some way help anyone with Pancreatic cancer & I hope I can contribute further & also hear from you as yes, I am finding g this very hard to cope with in myself...why, because I have list the love of my life, my wide, my friend & my roller coaster buddy and that I am registered severely sight impaired/blind but more of that at another time.

So please live every day fully & remember you are not alone. Stay strong.

(Aapologies for spelling & grammar obviously)

  • Sincere condolences . Thats very nice of you wanting to give back. I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in April and mustsay its still strange to even say it. I had the cancer removed in the same month and everthing happened so quickly. With very little family support Im trying tocarry on with a massive change to my lifestyle

  • I lost my husband of nearly 28 years to pancreatic cancer in April and was diagnosed 12 months earlier. I’m absolutely heartbroken but find that if I have a good sob several times a day I can get through and be strong for my children. It’s hard when I’m surrounded by memories everywhere I look but I have to remember the good times we had & hope that the traumatic painful memories will start to fade. I find it so hard to make decisions without him but I try to make him proud of me and I have 3 sons to look after me. I tend to dwell on the things we weren’t able to do rather than things we had achieved together so I have a constant battle with myself wishing I had done that for him or said this or rather wished I had not said others. Grief is very hard but then you can never prepare yourself for the loss. It’s as if your mind will just not let you go there and you can’t imagine what life will be like on your own. My husband was so positive and tried so hard to live he wanted to stay with us for as long as possible. I will never forget his bravery. He was a lovely husband and father with a fantastic sense of humour and I see him in my boys every day. We will make him proud of us it’s what helps us to carry on without him. 

    im sure your wife lived much longer because she wanted to stay with you and her determination to live her life & carry on with her baking &gardening. I hope you are able to remember the good times to get you through the bad. Take care of yourself & make her proud of you.

    sending you a virtual hug x

  • Pinky

    It's now nearly seven years since my husband died. In due course you will get used to your new lifestyle. It is very easy to look back and think of what you haven't done but from what you say you had a great life together. In due course you will not dwell on the things you didn't do but on the things you did. I promise you it gets easier.


  • Sincere condolences