lasting chemo effects

  • 2 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Morning all,

I hope you are all ok and have nice things going on.

Dad finally gets his scan results tomorrow, after a finishing his palliative chemo regime a month ago -the wait has been stressful, esp as it was delayed.

I know side effects go on for a while and vary, but something Dad is struggling with and isn't often mentioned, is excessive drooling. He has some achy muscles, tiredness etc and some brain fog- so much so that when driving he has nearly had a couple of accidents- not like Dad at all.

It makes you wonder if its just chemo leaving him with this, or effects of the cancer. We are unsure how his progression will manifest in terms of symptoms- his recurrence is in his para-aortic lymphs and a spot on his lung. Anyone else's loved one or themselves had this diagnosis?

Has anyone else had drooling as a side effect, or found that this happens due to the cancer? Does it eventually subside?

Its embarressing for Dad and will likely make his chin quite sore. He never makes a fuss and will not mention anything to his team, he hates being identified as 'an ill  person' and refuses to discuss anything about his illness, I honestly can't tell you how frustrating and difficult this is. I know its not uncommon to block things out and not want to go on about it, due to fear and not wanting to live like that- but with Dad it goes beyond that and its impossible to know how he really is/feels/thinks- its a bit upsetting, we cannot talk to anyone or plan anything and also the team don't know how he is doing to gauge what's going on. 

Its been just over a month since he completed Abraxane and Gemzar, for recurrence and we expect some side effects- but he's more unwell now, than he was when having chemo...

Anyone help please? Obviously we are forbidden to ask the team tomorrow at his results appt..

Thanks and love to all x

  • I have stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer spread to my liver and have opted not to have chemo life expectancy is approx. 4 to 5 months. Today I have had a lot of drugs delivered which have been arranged by my doctor so that they are there if needed by the district nurses looking after me. One of them is glycopyrronium bromide injection solution and when I looked it up it says it is for drooling due to the build up of respiratory secretions so my guess is that the drooling you mention is a normal sign of the cancer. Hope this helps; saying a prayer for you and your dad.

  • Hi Fliss, thanks for your reply and I'm sorry to hear about your prognosis. I hope that currently you are coping well and feeling ok.

    Without being able to talk to anyone and as we are waiting on the results, its difficult to know for sure why this is happening. All along, we seem to have been told the bare minimum. And, of course Dad won't find anything out so we are somewhat guessing all the time.

    Thank you, this does sound feasible, its just not something I've heard much about before.

    Info for Dad's type of recurrence seems in very short supply.

    Thanks for your reply, thoughts and prayers. It really is a minefield, I hope you have a good support network and keep as well as poss. All the best xx