Newly Diagnosed

  • 5 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I too am new to this group.  My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with some spread to the liver. This just three weeks ago and a massive shock. . We are very much in limbo and i am so worried about him. He has no appetite and the loss of weight in just a few weeks is alarming.. He is on codeine for the pain he is experiencing and apart from not wanting to eat, ( I got the GP to prescribe fortified drinks)  he is unable to want or be able to eat more than a few mouthsfull.  The  inbetween times when the pain relief is working he  is close to his normal self, but without much energy.
A scheduled liver biopsy was abandoned as the radiologist said the tumours were ' too small to take a sample' however the later letter from the Dr said they were inaccessible using x-ray'  Its all so very confusing and scary.
He was re-scheduled and had a pancreatic biopsy this week and  judging from the radiographers report it's not good news , but we know little more than what was written. . We wait again for the results of the biopsy and a follow up appointment for the next stage.

I understand the waiting is the worst time but I feel so lost and it shouldn't be about me  - it makes me feel selfish!
Can anyone help with what is likely to happen next ? He is being quite stoic about his diagnois but without some support i just dont know how best to help him.

  • hello Chalkyswife

    I am sorry to hear the news. Not wanting to eat when you have PC is quite common. Try to continue with the fortified drinks and if possible some snacks from time to time. I got very stressed because my husband couldn't eat and I realise now that this stressed him too.

    It is very difficult to say what will happen next as PC differs from person to person in symptoms and so on. But the best advice I can give is to try to take one day at a time. Enjoy the times when your husband feels his normal self and just be there for him at other times. Go with the flow.


  • Hi Chalkyswife,

    I am so sorry you & your husband are going through this, pancreatic cancer is brutal. 

    My advise would be to push the doctors along as much as possible, time is of the essence. 

    Sending hugs xx

  • Thank you for responding - we are seeing the GP this afternoon to try and get the palliative care in place  xx

  • Hi and thanks for responding. - these are awful times , just not knowing what's happening.
    Ive been advised to try a protein powder mix to see if that helps him a litte xx

  • FormerMember


    Coincidence , I’m always referred to as mrschalky! How is your husband doing?

    My husband orig I ally went to the GP in October with stomach pain and feeling bloated when he ate. They put him on a FODMAP diet thinking it was irritable bowel syndrome. A load of tests showed he had Type 2 diabetes. We saw a seconds GP who I raised weight loss with and he was referred as urgent to the GI Consultant.

    He saw the GI Registrar in early January who told us it was just pancreatitis and put him on Creon. He was finally diagnosed after an MRI, with inoperable pancreatic cancer with liver secondaries, on 26th January. The Since then he has suffered a DVT, seen the oncologist and had chemo scheduled. However he suffered a stroke the night before the first chemo round. That just over three weeks ago. 

    He was in hospital for a week and we saw the oncologist again on Tuesday. He is going to have a scan on Monday and start chemo on 5th April. They are only going to use one chemo drug until he is a bit stronger. They’ve prescribed steroids to beef him up a bit, encourage appetite, help with the pancreas inflammation etc. 

    I’ve been raising hell about his nutrition for months and finally got dieticians involved. He manages some porridge or shredded wheat for breakfast but then it’s just Ensure Plus Advance for the rest of the day. The last few days we’ve been adding Pro Cal powders. If I can get 3-4 Ensures in him, he will be a bit better nourished. He drinks plenty of water luckily.