
  • 8 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi everyone.  Hope you had a good Christmas/New Year, or at least not too tiring.

I wasdiagnosed PC 6weeks ago following a CT scan of my pancreas and had my first chemo session the week leading up to Christmas.  With it being the first time I wasn't sure what to expect and found the first 7-8 days really tough, especially mentally as I couldn't see an ending to the horrible feeling.  I'm due to start my 2nd cycle next week and it'll be strictly fortnightly from then onwards.  I'm just dreading it and I'm trying to push it to the back of my mind so I can enjoy (!) the time beforehand.

I've mostly managed to avoid the subject of PC online but what I have seen has worried me and I'm also trying to push that to the back of mind too! There's a lot I'm trying to avoid thinking about but have a lot of time on my hands to think about stuff!!

Christine x

  • Hi Christine, I get where you are at, but think of it from as this slightly different view.

    PC is a bit of a bugger but it's been caught early at the chemo treatable stage and the chemo gets easier until it becomes awith the boring but necessary step, earphones and talking books helps 

    As they are monitoring it now in my experience if it needs taking to the next level they are capable of moving quickly..........

    Keep talking to your friends as they can help you cope with what is going on in your mind ,that is sometimes the hardest part..and keep smiling at least once a day 

  • Hi Christine I was diagnosed yesterday. Today has been a blur and a panic and deciding who to tell and who to be brave with. Ive got my first meeting with the surgical team to decide where i am and what the plan is.next week I have been advised not to go online too much and to be honest ive been scared to delve too deeply onto these pages either because of what might be there for me to find and ready before im really ready.  i thought i was fit as a fiddle but when my appetite fell off at cliff at t new year and the tummy felt weird every evening and didnt feel like eating i knew something wasnt right. Im just hoping and praying that ive got in early enough.   Good luck with the rest of your cycles and lets home for both our sakes we can beat this

  • Thanks Wotno !  IM abs brand new to this and terrified to read too much that im not ready for.   I think i need upbeat by the bucketload to get me through the next week befre my first BIG meeting when they will tell me what the plan is.

    Im hopeing that because they didnt stick me straight onto a trolley and whizz me onto a ward or into theatre that they arent at the panic stage just yet Doesnt mean to say that im not still petrified

  • Hi wotnopancreas!

    sorry for the delay in replying - it appears that I've been taking too much morphine over the past week resulting in me not keeping food down.  And then I forgot my password!

    I'm very lucky that I've go a lot of people I can talk to, not specifically about cancer, and who are willing to listen to me! My whatsapp has never been so busy!

    Got another 3 chemo sessions before getting a CT scan so just counting down until then.

  • Hi Turboprop

    it's a fair shock to the system isn't it??

    Don't feel you have to be brave to anyone, you will find out what is the best way to cope for you.  If that means bawling and crying, so be it.  I've contacted both of our local cancer support charities and found that to be a great help.

    Hopefully you'll now know what your treatment plan is looking like. Good luck with your treatment too and wishing you all the best. Give me a shout if you want to ask anything, although there's a fair chance I won't know either! But together we can find out :)

  • HI Christine

    I hope the chemo is going OK. I dont have PC. My husband had it. I found the nurses on the Pancreatic Cancer UK help line really brilliant and knowledgeable. It is worth giving them a call if you have not done so. https://www.pancreaticcancer.org.uk/ 


  • Hi Squeaky

    Thanks for getting in touch. I hope you're ok.

    Chemo is going ok, just 2 treatments in and the 3rd is on Wednesday. I haven't really looked at the pancreatic cancer UK website, I've only just started to read some more information on this website, I've been trying to avoid it I suppose. But, I'll have a look at it before Wednesday.


  • HI Christine

    This is a good site but the nurses on PCUK are absolutely fabulous. Hope your chemo goes OK>
