Not a Happy New Year

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  • 46 subscribers

Hi all

 had the devastating news my dad age 69 has got pancreatic cancer. We don’t much other than it’s advanced. He’s got to have more tests next week and then will have more information then. It’s took an eternity for a diagnosis, he has not ate a meal since end of September, he sleeps down stairs as can’t get comfortable in bed. The last 3 months have been numerous phone consultations with doctors, I few trips to A&E. He had ultrasound and endoscopy and was told clear of cancer, he had CT scan Christmas Eve and had call yesterday, initially told it was not a very good scan and there’s lots going on and further tests needed and then a second call about it being cancer. Yesterday was the end of my world, my mom was inconsolable, my dad teary but very matter of fact. I am so scared of what’s to Come. I’m angry too why it’s took so long and not detected earlier. I know it’s only been 24 hours but how can I control my thoughts and support everyone?

  • Hi Betsy, my mum 55  has been diagnosed with cancer recently, her diagnosis took a good 3 months, and those 3 months were so hard not knowing of the outcome and what could be done, I think it is a lenghly prosess unfortunatly, but I can understand how your feeling at this moment in time, my way of controlling thoughts was to not think of worst case scenarios but I understand that won't be for everyone but I found it helped ease the anxiety slightly, I hope you have some solid answers soon, thinking of you, here if you need someone to talk to.

  • Hi Betsy82, I completely understand your frustration, my dad is going theought the same, he is 66, he started to get symptoms on the 5th November, we had a diagnosis on Christmas eve. The waiting around is so very frustrating. Right now I can't think about next wk, I focus on every day, enjoy every small moment. I think if you can get his pain, symptoms under control that will help. While you are waiting, do lots of research. 

    Sending lots of love Heart x

  • Hi Luciee

    thank you so much for replying, it helps to know Ive got someone who is going through the same situation. I need to really be able to control my brain and bat out those bad situations, find coping mechanisms.

    Was the news given over the phone? we really don’t know anything else other than he’s got up have further tests and it’s advanced.

  • Hi Van life, my dad’s symptoms have been going on since end of September and only just had the diagnosis, it’s been awful. Yes I have to get to that place and I’m really trying, we’re on day 3 of knowing so it’s such early days! 

    thank you so much Heart

  • hi, I know how devastating it is to hear that someone you live has this swful disease. For various reasons my husband had a private scan and within 24 hours we were told over the phone that he had stage 4 PC that had spread to liver and lymph nodes.

    I went into overdrive googling and reading sometimes incorrect information, my husband refused to read any. 

    I suggest that when you have meetings with the hospital either record or write everything down, emotions will be running high and you may miss important information.  The hospital rang Rob when I wasn’t around and he couldn’t remember anything that had been said.  Also have lots of questions to ask as we found that the hospital didn’t always give us the whole issue, just parts and I was left to fill in the gaps. 

    I found coming to this forum helped especially around lack of food intake by my husband, twice the dieticians at the hospital refused to speak with us as they didn’t have sufficient resources.

    Pancreatic cancer is such an awful cancer to have as we all know.  I pray that your dads outcome is good.

  • I completely understand, everyone deals with things differently. I had a meltdown but I have 2 young children & my dad only has me so I had to give myself a stern talking to & focus on keeping him pain free & comfortable & try to enjoy the small things. 

    Sending hugs Heart