
  • 2 replies
  • 45 subscribers
  • Hi. My husband was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer on Monday 13 December. It looks like it's spread but a biopsy will confirm and no date for that yet. He'd been experiencing upper abdomen discomfort for well over a year and a gastroscopy at the end of last year showed gastritis. He was prescribed Omeprazole which initially helped but the discomfort became more marked, and other symptoms started to appear, weight loss, little or no interest in food and inability to digest food properly. GP noted the weight loss and he was fast tracked for further tests. An ultrasound, gastroscopy, blood tests showed nothing until he had the CT scan. We don't know yet how much time he has left. Creon hasn't arrived yet. Would be grateful for any advice. TIA
  • Hello JaneB123

    This is a shock for you both. Unfortunately, this is the way PC often shows itself.

    When the Creon arrives it should help your husband digest food so he will get a bit more nutrition. Try to tempt him with small snacks of food he likes. 

    My experience was that if we took one day at a time we got through things. Try to give yourselves little treats. A  day out maybe.


  • Hi Squeaky, thanks for this. Got the Creon and trying to stuff as much food down his throat as possible, although he still doesn't feel hungry. Yes, one day at a time, that's also what the consultant said.
