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Hi, my mum was told yesterday that she has pancreatic cancer. I'm so scared of losing her and want to find out more about it and how I can help x

  • Hello Natalie

    I am sorry to hear about your mum. Have the medics said anything about treatment?

    There is good stuff on this website and another good one is Pancreatic Cancer UK. They have nurses who are very helpful if you give them a call.


  • They haven't said anything yet, they are having a meeting to discuss what to do with mum, she waiting for a biopsy, all we've been told is she has a decent sized mass on her pancreas and the not sure what the Dr said but something like veins or something that come off the mass are wrapped around her pancreas, so they are not sure if surgery will work. They have been today and put her on morphine tablets to help with the pain as she's in agony. Xxx

  • Mum has since been told they've found two smaller things in her kidney and liver. We still waiting for a biopsy does it normally take this long for one? I'm so scared and I hate having to watch her in so much pain xx

  • Hi Natalie. I totally understand how you feel. My mum has also been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which has spread to her stomach lining and lungs. They cant operate nor give her surgery. Her only hope is chemo to prolong her life. Shes only 61 Disappointed her 1st session is this week and im absolutely terrified. To see my mum the way she is the now is breaking my heart. My mum got her biopsy done a week after ger diagnosis followed by a week of waiting the results. I am not gonna lie the waiting is so hard and all i can advise is to stay strong for her cause no doubt she will be worried about you too! Just make sure you talk to friends etc about how your feeling. It really does help!

  • Thank you xxx I'm so sorry about your mum x my mum is 64, she's wasting away, she's always been over weight and now she looks so tiny. My mum was born with one kidney which she has problems with, she has type two diabetes and has a heart attack 14 years ago. So I'm scared that they won't be able to do anything for her. Yes the waiting is awful. They have her on morphine tablets and oxycontin, but it's not working so they are trying some other medication xx

  • Its just horrible seeing them wasting away. My mum is eating but her appetite has dramatically decreased. Ive been making extra at home for her to pop in her freezer just so i feel im doing something for her. Just feel totally helpless and im sure you do too. Just try and keep busy if you can. I have a 6 year old son whos keeping me totally sane also a little bit insane!! Lol!! We all just secretly think our mums are invisible dont we... xx

  • My mum is the same with the eating xx I have fibromyalgia and other illnesses so it is hard for me to be with her all the time. I've found it really hard trying read our watch anything cause my mind is on my mum xx I feel the same very helpless. My middle son whose 22 moved in work my mum when she had fall and this all started x I just wanna cuddle her all the time and stroke her hair as she loves that and it comforts her xxx

  • Awk luv but you need to look after yourself too cause stress can totally play havoc with your body. If you need to have a good cry....do it....! If you want to scream.....do it! Might just be a temp stress relief and make you feel better for a whole 10 mins but in that 10 mins you will remember you! Im glad your mum has somone there with her. That alone must give you comfort. I wish i could be with my mum all the time but as she keeps telling me life doesnt stop and my life shouldnt stop because shes unwell. I hate it when shes right!! Keep your chin up. Xxx